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I checked out the site. Nothing about the national team at all, but a big todo about touring all over North America with the Carling reds. How many of you guys are planning to make the short trip to Kingston, or does no one care? At least the Red Devil supporters in Toronto deign to talk about the Canada Reds I haven't seen such "little England" tunnel vision since watching the "gin-at-sundown" set in the Gulf.

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I think the point beachesl is trying to make is that many of us are rather sick of transplanted or wannabe euros who have zero support for their country's MNT or domestic clubs...

Not that that is necessarily the case here, but coming on and looking for supporters can be a bit offensive around here... mainly 'cause often the people who are the European Club football: Canada chapter fans go out of their way to snub those of us who choose to support OUR country.. and OUR teams.

Personally I don't think the two are mutually exclusive, but I myself have been the butt of many jokes by a canadian-born and bred friend who had the misfortune of living in Barcelona for a year. Every time I crack open my mouth about a Canadian match (or an Aviators match for that matter) I hear about the exciting match up between Canada and Upper-outer Lower Mondolegisha Islands.

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