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Help some fellow Vs out with some questions


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Hey folks. I know some of you are very averse to anything that vaguely smells like self-promotion on the board, so apologies on that front. But at the heart of it, I'm a fellow Voyageur trying to spread the word about Canadian soccer to a wide audience, so please, a moment of your time?

This week's episode of the Some Canadian Guys podcast (http://www.sportsnet.ca/podcast/scgtas) will feature questions from the audience -- which, of course, means we need some questions to sink our teeth into. So if you've got anything you'd like Grant, Jamie and I myself to hit on, please leave your question(s) here, or you can email us at canadiansoccerguys@gmail.com.

I've used this forum since it gets the most traffic, but the questions don't have to do specifically with the MNT. Anything and everything to do with soccer or any of the other nonsense we usually talk about. Thanks y'all.

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i would like to know about marketing - in all facets...

i understand that umbro has its own brand and will be marketing things their own way but how does that change the perception of the consumers mind? the csa needs a REAL marketing department. not just some people to TRY something new or count how many hooks are available at each game to hang jersies.

we need a plan form top to bottom.

-who are marketable players? who resonates with youth?

-what can we sell to make money but also create awareness for future fans?

-corporate partners have increased but what can we leverage to spread the word?

-how can we expand merchandise selection?

-what merchandise do people actually want (market research)?

i would absolutely love to have a chance to work with the csa regarding these issues but from the non-responses i have gotten in the past, i don't think they want any outside help.

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