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September 14, 2010.


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Lest We Remember. September 14, 2010 will mark the 25th aniversary of Canada's greatest soccer victory. Canada's 2-1 victory over Honduras, at St. Johns, NL, sent us to our first and only World Cup Final appearance. Will the CSA do something on September 14, 2010 to comemmorate this historic event, or will they be too ashamed to do anything, because it will also reflect on how poorly they have managed our national team for the past 25 years. In 1957 Canada made its first attempt to qualify for the 1958 World Cup Final in Sweden. Thus, it took 28 years, from 1957 to 1985, to make it to the big dance. At best, if Canada were to qualify in its next attempt, which would happen in 2013, it would represent another 28 years of futility, from 1985 to 2013. Since I was born in 1956, I wonder if the success in 1985 is going to be a once in a lifetime experience? For the rarity of this accomplishment alone, I feel that the CSA should at the very least organize a friendly match between the Canadian national team and the USA, or even just as good against Honduras. This match should be played at BMO field, in Toronto, and broadcast live for all Canadian enthusiasts to see on CBC. Am I asking for too much from the CSA?

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Perhaps one of the two FIFA dates in September can be used for this event. We already know one will be Jamaica, why not make the second Honduras (and give some of us a chance to show how far Canadian footy supporters culture has come)?

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Hi Robert

Thank you for your email. Feel free to reach me anytime at 613 818 0305. I am pleased to let you know that we are currently planning four home games for the 2010 season - two for the men and two for the men (this marks the first time in 11 years that both senior programs have multiple home games in the same year). The location, dates and opponents are TBA, albeit they will of course fall on FIFA dates.

We are of course very proud of that 1985 team. It was after all our first of seven CONCACAF championships between 1985 and 2008 (all national teams) and first significant championship since our gold medal at the 1904 Olympics. More importantly as you mention, it marked our first qualification to the FIFA World Cup.

Thank you so much for your interest in our national teams.

Richard Scott

Good afternoon Richard,

Thanks for your response and its encouraging to hear there is finally some ambition to do more than has been done in the past 11 years. I would really advocate a game by our national men's team on the day in question, regardless of who the opponent might be. To enhance such an effort, might I suggest a televised replay of the game with Honduras from 25 years ago. With the World Cup in South Africa still being fresh in the minds of so many young Canadians who will be introduced to the World's greatest game this summer, it is an opportunity that should not be missed. I have introduced this idea at this time so that the CSA would have sufficient time to organize a match.

Please feel feel to forward this correspondence at your discretion, as I also reserve that right,

Kindest regards,


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It would be great if they even just showed the match from 86 before the Jamaica match. I was only a year old when it was played so all I've ever seen is some brief highlights. This would be a nice way to drop a little history on my generation.

Edit* similarly, if they do another soccer day in Canada, they should replay the Gold Cup victory. We need to get people to take pride in our national teams

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