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WNT wins medal can CSA cut program funds ?


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They really don't get any $ from the CSA to cut.

It's been stated in many interviews by the team reps & officials that the CSA only funded the WNT to the tune of $150K last year in a budget of $1M. Pretty much the same budget this year. The rest of the $ came from Sports Canada & the COC via heavy lobbying by the WP. This is what happens every year. The more successful the team is the more they get money from SOC & COC but they are still short for all Women's Programs. Being that the Seniors did well this last season they will probably get more $ from SOC & COC. Same should be true for the U20's & U17 next year but as we know they don't get a lot of funds from the CSA. CSA funds will depend as usual on paying Peter to pay Paul.

On the Kerfoot sponsorship, it's finished & there is no word on whether it will carry on. Kerfoot funded the residency & other items to supposed tune of $1M a year. Going to be pretty hard to replace that.

Teck is locked in for $. Late but I think it was $1M over 5 years.

Winners is locked in for more equipment. Never any mention of $ just good PR value.

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