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Infamous Canucks


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So now Tomasz (rhymes with dumbass) Radzinski has given Canada another milestone in notoriety for the average lager swillin footy fan. Consider how Canucks will be remembered in pubs everywhere:

ALSFF: Yer from Canada then? Know much bout football?

Canuck Stuck Abroad: Oh yes, watch the Prem every weekend. We've had a few good players over in England eh.

ALSFF: Yea? Name one then?

CSA: Well, there was Craig Forrest, used to be the goalkeeper at West Ham.

AlSFF: Oh yea, he was the bloke who let in 9 against Man U. I remember him. Didn't touch the ball once for the whole match. Shell shocked, shouldn't wonder.

CSA: Umm, yea, then there was Paul Peschisolido. You might know him better as Pesky, scored that blinder for the Blades in the playoffs?

ALSFF: You mean the wee git who got sold by his wife?

CSA: That too. Well how about Jason DeVos, finished a match with three broken ribs!

ALSFF: You mean the guy who's at Wigan now? Yea, he's allright.

CSA: Uhh, no, he used to be at Wigan. Went to Ipswich because of..uh...well...because Wigan we're getting close to promotion and would have had to renegotiate his contract after a year...and uh...you know...he grew up around tractors anyways...so...

ALSFF: Hmm. Anyone else then?

CSA: Yes actually, one of our most talented goalscorers ever, guy named Radzinksi, plays for Fulham!

ALSFF: HAHAHAHAHA! Talented goalscorer, he says! You mean the guy who missed a wide open net with the keeper upfield on a corner? That was the worst miss ever! Broadside of a barn. No wonder we never see you lot in the World Cup! Oi, listen to this mates!

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I was in London talking to a cab driver(Tottenham Hotspur fan) in 2000 just after the Gold Cup and the guy said that, in his opinion, Forrest was a very good keeper in the EPL.

BTW, He wasn't too excited when I told him about the Gold Cup. He kept asking me who participated in the tournament. I told him USA, Mexico, Canada, Honduras, T&T... to which he answered: Who else? To put it mildly, he was not impressed, even when I mentioned that Columbia was a guest team. [V]

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Unfortunately most British soccer fans I have talked to remember Forrest for those 9 goal games except for Spurs and Ipswich fans who have a good opinion of Forrest based on many other games. In fact most of those who remember the games in question state that the goals were shots that could not be saved and that Forrest actually played well but the team played so poorly that it deserved to lose by such a large margin.

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quote:Originally posted by Alberto7

I was in London talking to a cab driver(Tottenham Hotspur fan) in 2000 just after the Gold Cup and the guy said that, in his opinion, Forrest was a very good keeper in the EPL.

BTW, He wasn't too excited when I told him about the Gold Cup. He kept asking me who participated in the tournament. I told him USA, Mexico, Canada, Honduras, T&T... to which he answered: Who else? To put it mildly, he was not impressed, even when I mentioned that Columbia was a guest team. [V]

Go back now and tell him that we beat Northern Ireland ... with 10 men. ;)

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That's cute you're kicking around Radz and Forrest, so I expect you'll be there when any of this new batch miss a shot too right? Hutchinson scores own goal! JDG misses open net! British people everywhere disapprove, shake heads glumly over ale at pathetic Canada...but still live have to live in ?

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