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Hurricane thoughts..


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quote:Originally posted by shaku_bert

why not "refugee"? Doesn't it mean, "one who takes refuge". The displaced persons are trying to take refuge from the flooded city.

No, its not the correct term since refugee means "a person who leaves their native country." There's no international border crossing involved for most of these people leaving New Orleans.

Using refugee in this context implies these people a) have nothing, and B) are not really American anyway. If they were white, I guarantee you they would be referred to as "Katrina evacuees" or something like that. [:P]

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If 80% of the populace was white, they would have been bused out in advance, and the American media would have had a jolly field day with catchy names like 9-11 (picture now KATRINA in a big fat font, being blown into pieces as the title fades into another dip**** campy news broadcast. Of course there's a lot of American media truly pissed that they blew their sensationalist load with the 9-11 tripe. Now they've got possibly 5 times the death rate, an entire city in ruins and all they have to work with is "In the Path of Katrina" (roll jingle please) (cut to shots of impoverished crackheads shooting at Police and Rescue crews)!!

What's the odds the blessed Christian right/white is relating this carnage to something of biblical proportions? City of Eternal Sin and all that with no real substance or value to a better world, being flooded by the cleansing hand of the great white god.

Regardless, please don't send money (unfortunately not even to the true innocents). Instead, ask the US to syphon a billion or two from it's military budget and help its own people rather than destroying the nations of others. Maybe if we're really lucky ****tany Spears and Michael Jackoffson will do a benefit concert to raise some cash for the white folk that didn't fire up their limos in time.

Have a nice day America!

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quote:Originally posted by wfp

Instead, ask the US to syphon a billion or two from it's military budget

Which, by the way, does absolutely nothing for the men and women who are overseas risking their lives for corporate America's bottom-line. The budget buys new technology and bigger guns, but the actual troops on the front line are still horribly under-supplied. Anyone remember Rumsfeld in Iraq answering questions? A solider asks him why, while fighting for the country with the largest military budget on Earth, he and his men still have to scavange through trash to find make-shift armour for their tanks...

"umm, uhh, well, you know....ummm..."

That's what we thought.

Of course, this is the same administration that milks the whole "support our troops" campaign and feeds off the idea that anyone who doesn't support the Republican agenda isn't supporting the troops and is thus anti-American. Of course, the sad irony is that the only ones not supporting the troops...are the Republicans.

Sorry, off-topic, I know, but the hypocrisy of that country is just infuriating.

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If you're looking for someone to blame, Charles Krauthammer wrote a good article. Now all you "progressives" might say, "I'm not reading Krauthammer, he is not a left wing progressive!". But its OK, he craps on the president too. Your eyes shan't be smited by zionist neocon pro-Bush propaganda.


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