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May 22 - vancouver vs atlanta (R)


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4-1 final score.

The Caps now have 3 wins and two ties. Full credit to the Seattle Sounders for tiring Atlanta, which caused them to sit several regulars at the start. The regulars came on when the score was 2-0, but it was too late.

Last week the Caps played Charleson at the end of its west coast road trip. Charleston had played Seattle and Portland first.

A rested Atlanta team would still have had its hand full with the Caps.

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quote:The Caps now have 3 wins and two ties. Full credit to the Seattle Sounders for tiring Atlanta, which caused them to sit several regulars at the start. The regulars came on when the score was 2-0, but it was too late.

Last week the Caps played Charleson at the end of its west coast road trip. Charleston had played Seattle and Portland first.

A rested Atlanta team would still have had its hand full with the Caps.

Thanks for pointing out what every team has to go through in the USL long road trips .... Also analyst you failed to analyze that Atlanta's coach was partly to blame for their loss as his starting line up consisted of players that did not play the Seattle game so doubt that your excuse of being tired can be totaly used for their poor preformance most likey rookies being taken to school by some very creative Whitecap play.

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According to the Southsiders website, a sideshow to the Caps victory over Atlanta was a fight in the Southsiders section. A couple of weeks ago, some Southsiders invaded the pitch late in the game.

Those antics may be amusing to some people, but I don't let my kids near the Southsiders section.

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Analyst, you're an ignorant dink.

First off, it was NOT Southsiders who ran onto the pitch. It was two newbies who were there in attendance ONLY for the novelty of opening night hype. We've never seen them at games before, and we've never seen them since.

Second, if you knew the first thing about what you were talking about, you'd know that the Southsiders do NOT condone pitch invasions or violence.

Case in point - the whole reason for this so called "fight" that NEVER happened - some drunken tool was offering money to Southsiders to rent a flag and storm the pitch. We told him to get stuffed, since the opening night shenanigans by the aforementioned newbies were already an embarassment.

Security gave this drunken arsehole a talking to. Then he returns to the Southside looking to start a fight with yours truly because he thought I was the one who ratted him out.

End result - he got told to piss off and take his aggro elsewhere. His buddies hauled him away before things got any more serious. No punches thrown.

I can understand that the language in the Southside is not for kiddies... but don't try to make it sound like Southsiders are responsible for hooliganism. That's a douchebag cheap shot from the armchair intelligentia if I ever saw one.

If you're attempting to raise children with good morals, why not start with a little lesson on the importance of obtaining all the facts before purporting ridiculous, unsubstantiated accusations (and blowing their credibility out of the water in the process).


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Thanks for clearing things up. Just a couple of questions/comments.

First the pitch invasion issue. From what I read on your site, it appears the offenders were in the Southside Section and partying with the Southsiders. Did they consider themselves Southsiders that night, and did other people consider them Southsiders up until the time they went onto the field? This isn't that big an issue.

Second, the dust-up. Thank you for providing your side of the story. As you point out, I should try to get the full story. Is there any value in me hearing from the other person who was involved? Probably not, because other people who have posted on the Southsiders site indicate that the other person was a trouble maker who should have been tossed by security earlier in the evening when he went onto the stage.

Finally, another thread on your site is from a Southsider who was rude and insulting to a security person because she wanted to check his bag when he entered Swangard. Isn't it a contradiction that she would be insulted by a Southsider for doing her job yet other Southsiders criticized the security people who allowed the lout in the preceeding paragraph to remain in Swangard after he went onto the stage. Don't you think security people at an event where alcohol is being served should be diligent and toss the lout and also check the bags of people entering the stadium? I guess its not fair to ask you to defend the behaviour of the Southsider who was insulting to the security person.

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quote:Originally posted by analyst


Did they consider themselves Southsiders that night, and did other people consider them Southsiders up until the time they went onto the field? This isn't that big an issue.

No. While they stood behind the Southside fences (for those who don't know it's the size of a football end zone)they seemed interested only in fraternizing ith their own bunch of fellow newbies who - like I said - do not come to games.

quote:Is there any value in me hearing from the other person who was involved? Probably not, because other people who have posted on the Southsiders site indicate that the other person was a trouble maker who should have been tossed by security earlier....

His track record:

-climbed onto a stage, disrupting a band in mid-performance

-urinating in open view during the national anthems

-the scuffle with me

-ran onto the pitch from the northside to do some push-ups near the goal before running off

Enough said.

quote:I guess its not fair to ask you to defend the behaviour of the Southsider who was insulting to the security person.

Wasn't there, didn't see it, so I can't say what was or wasn't uncalled for. Not making excuses here, but I think part of the frustration stems from the fact that the person who went through the overly long search was also a volunteer working with the club. Probably a low risk candidate for trouble if you ask me, but it's security's call.

What I do know is that another security guard went searching for this particular fan after the verbal exchange to give him a telling off... and yet when people are being threatened, harassed or dragged into a fight, security is nowhere to be seen.

I think what's most frustrating with the fans has been the inconsistency between what is and is not a "toss out" offence.

Two seasons ago, a friend of mine was wearing a blue bandana on his head to support the Caps (as were dozens of people in the Southside, as it was a trend at the time.)

For reasons known only to the security staff at the time, he was singled out, pulled away from the game and questioned four times if he was a gang member, if he had weapons etc. Believe he was also patted down.

A totally ridiculous over reaction - there were DOZENS of people wearing the same thing. We can only guess it was because my friend was a big guy - about 6'4. Not drunk, not causing trouble... his only crime was being tall.

As it stands, he was surorunded by four guards, plus the security manager. They asked him to leave "...and take your gang rag with you."

My friend pointed out that even one of the security guards was in fact wearing a black collar length do-rag on his head - common in LA gang culture.

Never the less, they tossed him for no good reason. He hasn't been back since.

I myself was escorted away from my seat during the Canada v. Guatemala game "for my own protection." Guatemala fans were throwing trash and bottles at me for singing the national anthem. And yet security hauled me away rather than deal with the offenders.

Fast forward to the present: a guy is storming the stage, pissing in public and still allowed to attend the game. Security has at least two chats with him re: his conduct, but then they don't bother keeping an eye on him. Then he goes off to start a fight... and security is nowhere to be seen until it's long over.

Like I said, I'm not going to try to justify what the one fan said to the security guard, but I can sure understand where the frustration and negativity comes from.

I'm sure I'm not alone in my many, many, many negative observations of Swangard secuirty.

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JM, Good response. Pleased to see the reply didn't contain any insults nor an excuse for the behaviour of the person who insulted the security person.

The Atlanta game is 3 points in the win column for the Caps and the incidents last game are hopefully water under the bridge.

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