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FA Cup final [R]


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I know way too early for an [R] but I thought I'd save some mod 3 seconds of his life.Also I have to crash soon so I can get up at 5:30 pm to resume my life in the salt mines, so VCR is set.

Been reading the BBC site and they're posting updates via text messaging about traffic and sightings of ManUre fans wearing black,mourning the take-over by that dirty rotten Yankee millionaire. (just how do Amurikan gazillionaires differ from You're-a-peeing rich dudes.....sorry different thread)

Henry is expected to not to start as is Campbell. Given the animosity between these two teams and the only chance either have to add to the trophy case this should be a keeper for the soccer game library(if I ever pick those tapes up off the nearest flat surface to the TV and lable them and......ahh it'll never happen)

Anyhooz, I want lots of cards , warnings and general all around intensity. I'm sure I may have mentioned once over the years that I hate ManUre almost as much as the Leafs.....oops...the Leafs on hiatus ;)

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Have to jump in here, I hate Arsenal as much as I hate the Canucks,Todd "Thug" Bertuzzi and hockey specifically--dreadful,dreadful " quazi-sport". Lo and behold Arsenal do not win the F.A. Cup, but Man. Utd. lose it, they virtually dominate the whole game, but as per their league games of late, cannot score-why did he not bring on Alan Smith for Scholes during the second half ,and Tim Howard for the penalty kicks? Rooney a very deserved man-of-the-match---Arsenal looked mostly ponderous, lacking creativity, and I would prefer to be in Fergies shoes after that performance.

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It's in the record books now. There is no "Deserves to Win" will you Manudiots never get it! 4th place...no FA cup... no champions...no euro.... your only hope now is that Glazer buys you a championship! the Silverware looks great in the armoury over at the ARSENAL!!!!!!!! Too bad, we have one whoelle year to gloat. Oh yeah, when did ManUre last win something? I forgot. And so did everyone else!


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I didn't support either side in today's match. But I can never be reconciled to shoot-outs to resolve major sporting events. It's just a crap-shoot, a bit of individual playground fun to settle what should be a competition to decide the best team on the day. Yes, it's exciting, but it's also very, very unsatisfying, IMHO. (What's my alternative? Uh, I'll get back to you.)

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I don't think I've seen a match so dominated by a side that lost.

It's a shame that such a side (and I don't like either side) has to lose such an important match by shoot-outs, but what is the alternative. The cherished FA Cup tradition of replays was a great tradition, but not feasible in this age of fixture congestion. As I have opined before, I think a better solution would be for a better refereeing with a stricter application of the rules to allow for a more open match. Both the diving (especially ManU) and the chippy play (especially Arsenal) could have been eliminated by timely cards, and this would have greatly increased the chances of scoring.

But we have to expect this in one-off comps like the FA Cup, it's meant to be a foil for the long-drawn-out, but ultimately fairer, method of getting league championships. Even a 7 game sreies, as last year's Stanley Cup play-offs provoed, don't remove the crap shoot element (Calgary would have won at numerous points had the refereeing been more consistent).

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2 Posts

Posted - 05/21/2005 : 13:32:51


It's in the record books now. There is no "Deserves to Win" will you Manudiots never get it! 4th place...no FA cup... no champions...no euro.... your only hope now is that Glazer buys you a championship! the Silverware looks great in the armoury over at the ARSENAL!!!!!!!! Too bad, we have one whoelle year to gloat. Oh yeah, when did ManUre last win something? I forgot. And so did everyone else!



i think you'll find that everton finished 4th...not united. too bad though...

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