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Reviving the CUSL

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Guys, I met this very interesting fellow tonight at a pub in Downtown Toronto. We’ve talked about the game between Germany and Canada. Suddenly, the conversation moved towards the future of pro-soccer in Canada. Of course the issue of the CUSL was brought into the conversation. What I found very interesting about this fellow was his idea on how Canada should managed its pro-soccer crisis. This is what he said to me: “…Dear Luis, start forgetting that the CUSL is still alive. At the rate things are going, the whole project of the CUSL is completely dead…” What Canada should do now is focus on adding more teams into the A-League. This is obvious now that Edmonton is coming on board by 2004, and probably with Ottawa, Hamilton and Winnipeg by 2005. Once we have a solid foundation of at least 8 clubs in the A-League, then we could think of reviving the CUSL project and the concept of the Canada Open Cup with the amateur and provincial leagues.

Would anyone here like to express thoughts to this idea???????

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It's a decent strategy. Get enough Canadian A-League teams to be able to split and form a Canadian League. When the split occurs, other Canadian cities will want in. Good idea!

Mimglow, Ottawa


Where are the weapons of mass destruction?

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Do I need to point out that the last incarnation of the CUSL plan already used the A-League as a building tool?

The plan said "increase the number of teams in the league while building a united marketing and operational strategy to make the current teams more economically stable.

I am soooo tired of people who cannot seem to remember the recent past.


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Sorry Ted!!! Now that you have re-freshing my memories, you are absolutely right. There was a serious agenda to use the A-League as a building tool for the CUSL. Nevertheless, now that the CUSL is dead, we could now implement a B-PLAN which consist of adding more teams into the A-League such as Edmonton (2004), Ottawa, Hamilton and Winnipeg (2005). Once we have a solid foundation of at least 8 clubs in the A-League, then we could think of reviving the CUSL project and the concept of the Canada Open Cup with the amateur and provincial leagues by year 2007. Perhaps by then, other Canadian cities will surely express interest in joining the gang.

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