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shorty last won the day on July 22

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  1. Although objectively, Leggat and Reed are indeed the same bland UK announcer, I at least have a nostalgic pull to Leggat's voice calling games on Soccer Saturday when there was no other soccer available to watch that wasn't live. I have no such attachment to Reed, and actually groan and turn the sound down when he is calling a CPL match. He is an absolute dullard -- the kind of person Monty Python skewered all the time as needing jobs advice.
  2. Think the three digits in Liga MX (and maybe some other places) indicates a youth or academy player, doesn't it? Thought I read that somewhere. Could be wrong.
  3. Johnston too, no? Played for Vaughan in L1O under Gheisar.
  4. He was killing it in the preschool leagues. It was only a matter of time before someone picked him up.
  5. Agree with all Digz’ comments. Pearlman especially. I worried every time the ball came near him, and he got turned a couple of times like he wasn’t there. That, and Olivieri. But we’ve plumbed those depths many times already on these boards. Nothing surprising or new there.
  6. Devin O’Hea Seems a nice guy. Underwhelming signing though.
  7. I wouldn't mind that. The blurred out jersey in the IG post looked like it started with a C, though. Hoping for some offense -- not necessarily a striker. Although Moore has definitely missed some sitters and Zanatta has been a bust so far, sadly, we are missing that last killer pass most of all. Had hoped that would be Tircoveanu, but that hasn't materialized yet. Missing sitters is worse if your pool of opportunities is small. If you generate more chances, missing a couple is not as harmful.
  8. Interesting. Assuming a fair draw, though, it's not as far fetched as one would think. Exactly the same probability as flipping heads 6 times in a row: (1/2)^6 = 1/64, so you would expect this to happen about 1.5% of the time.
  9. Not as much as Lowell Wright did... Hay-O!
  10. Similar profile to Phonzie: both good kids, super responsible, maybe too responsible to the point where they feel everything depends on them. My hope for both of them as they mature (because they're both still younger than my daughters, which blows my mind) is that they learn to keep the fire, but let go of the guilt and the weight of "everyone is counting on me".
  11. Agree with your post, other than the fact that Ndom is not currently a better option.
  12. That's an everybody-loves-Dada-Luke-for-some-reason issue. If KDL could produce a final ball, I would get it. But he can't. And he's a defensive liability half the time. I would love to see Lajeunesse and Greco-Taylor on the outsides, but I don't think it's going to happen. Even the 1-in-10 threat of KDL burning down the wing and putting in a decent ball is enough to give the opposition pause.
  13. Remember too that Larin missed a bunch of sitters at the beginning of his MNT career when he was lighting up MLS. Took him a little while to get his stride. Hoping it’s a similar trajectory for Tani.
  14. What a cute family… Mini Max for Canada in WC2044 and mini Christine for WWC2039!
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