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Results from Survey (CSA - Strategic Framework)


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The Ontario Soccer Association hosted an online survey pertaining to the strategic direction (a draft version) presented by the CSA.

The link below is an overview of the results for Ontario.

I'm under the impression that each provincial association has thier respective results posted as well.

In Ontario, just 315 online surveys were completed. That in itself is brutal but not unexpected. Apathy rules!


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quote:Originally posted by squid2

The Ontario Soccer Association hosted an online survey pertaining to the strategic direction (a draft version) presented by the CSA.

The link below is an overview of the results for Ontario.

I'm under the impression that each provincial association has thier respective results posted as well.

In Ontario, just 315 online surveys were completed. That in itself is brutal but not unexpected. Apathy rules!


Squid... its not as if the survey questions opened up any new ground..the survey is designed to give results the CSA and OSA can use to justify any action they take.

Not one revolutionary concept presented so why bother filling it out.

Even as badly formed as it is the results of participation are interesting ... with Toronto.. being low and Eastern Ontario high.. also a lot of OSA/CSA submitted..so the results again get biased/

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While recognising the limitations of the survey, one of the things I looked at were the items where more than 40% of the respondents ranked the item as 'Very Important'.

They were (no real surprises here):

CSA Structure: Implementation and adaptation of a new organizational structure, including the Chief Staff Officer position, consistent with previous studies and adapted to ensure the best delivery mechanism for the sport in Canada.

Revenue Generation: Ensuring appropriate funding levels, to maximize program development, are achieved through the maximization of current revenue sources, while exploring new avenues for revenue generation.

Marketing: Continued development in the promotion of the sport of Soccer through strategic alliances with major funding, and media partners.

National Teams: Achieve and sustain international success (through LTPD, Competition and the Development Pathway).

Coach Services: Increase the quality and quantity of coaches through an extensive program of education, support, and resources at community, provincial, and national levels.

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