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Toronto FC vs Houston Dynamo video compilation


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It's a little delayed cause I lazied up about halfway through but I think it turned out great.

you can youtube it at:


or you can download it (this one's only 16 megs) at:


also I want to actively encourage anyone who notices any problems in the video to respond as I'm experimenting right now to get some ideas for the gold cup and WYC comp's I'm planning on making and I want to iron out the kinks. The new idea I put into this one is cutaways (the rando flashes of anger or mo between clips) on the advice of a video editing friend of mine.

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hmmm, I just figured out how to capture streams and I have a question for the board, the cbc games are about 500 megs, which is alot for my connection, I downloaded a few minutes and I checked out the quality and I'm just not sure, at some points the quality is strong, at others it seems weak, do you think the cbc streams are of good enough quality that they would be worth downloading and comping or would it be noticably below the quality I try and maintain (ie not be the greatest comps and ugly up the TFC comp I'll put out at the end of season and the 2008 version of team Canada? one good thing is that the MLS streams are good enough that I can get the goals in high quality, but their highlights have no tricks in em.

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