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Woe Canada


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That was terrible, 10 men or not.

Occean should have been off by about the 70-minute mark. He was tired and was not winning and keeping possession. Hume should have been on for him.

Yallop is an idiot. Why not use all of our subs earlier and try to win the game with dignity. I would have to say that that game goes down as the worst Canadian win that I can remember.

I have never seen Canada try harder to score on themselves. No one on Canada should take pride in that victory. Pure Garbage.



Can’t wait for all you spin doctors to put your positive slant on yet another sub par performance.

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quote:Originally posted by Paddy

That was terrible, 10 men or not.

Occean should have been off by about the 70-minute mark. He was tired and was not winning and keeping possession. Hume should have been on for him.

Yallop is an idiot. Why not use all of our subs earlier and try to win the game with dignity. I would have to say that that game goes down as the worst Canadian win that I can remember.

I have never seen Canada try harder to score on themselves. No one on Canada should take pride in that victory. Pure Garbage.



Can’t wait for all you spin doctors to put your positive slant on yet another sub par performance.

At least we didn't loose to a team that played that crappy...and at home to boot. Only positives for me were that Klukowski looked good after coming on and Sutton did all right too.

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quote:Originally posted by Gordon

At least we didn't loose to a team that played that crappy...and at home to boot. Only positives for me were that Klukowski looked good after coming on and Sutton did all right too.

(ANNNNK - Sound of loud ringing buzzer) - NEXT!

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I agree that Occean should have come off early in the second half. I also thought that De Roo should have been subbed out for Atiba, as De Rosario was not impressive at all.

Klukowski was very good in the second half and should clearly be a starter in the next friendly. Sutton made a few good saves but was bailed out by his posts three times.

Overall, NI seemed far more composed on the ball and not nearly so prone to giving it away. Canada was very lucky to win, and could quite easily have lost.

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Woe Canada, how original. You must write for Sports illustrated. ;) I'll spin the result, no problem, because nothing will come out of the same old whining. Makes me wonder why some people are "fans"

Score Sutton 1 NI 0

Great game from Sutton. You've got to be good to be lucky and he was both. Seemed very confidant, had a contented look about him, no panic at all. In the right place at the right time three times. Once off the post and two from his own teammates. He deserves the start against Portugal but it looks like Lars will get it.

The team gutted out a great win. We were horrible in 3/4 of the field. We played well in our own box. Most one vs one in the box went our way. I was thinking and then reminded by Craig how we let up in the final minutes of the game. The boys seemed to get stronger at the end. Hume and Klukowski looked good. DeRo seemed to step up as well after a not so good performance.

Seemed to have the wind against us for both halves and down to ten men, with an inexperienced young team. Anyone who can criticize the win isn't much of a fan. Yes, we were outplayed badly, made some stupid mistakes, couldn't get a call in the first half, but we got the dubya under trying conditions in a hostile atmosphere.

Mission accomplished. Now I can't wait for the gomers to say we should look like Brazil and take the loss.

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