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New Brunswick Senior A League?


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Looks like it. http://dailygleaner.canadaeast.com/sports/article/1071221

It looks like a 9 team league with a Southern Conference include Fredericton Picaroons Reds, Fredericton Wanderers, Dieppe FC, Saint John and the Charlotte County Schooners. The Northern Conference has four teams: Restigouche United, Chaleur, Edmundston and Grand Falls FC.

The head coach of the P-Reds doesn't sound excited about the new league. There has to be some growth of teams at this level if pro teams are ever going to develop. Owners will never invest if there is no base. This league looks like a base to me. i'd love to catch a game while I'm on vacation in NB this summer.

I'm so thirsty for a Picaroons beer now .... thanks!

PS- also for a FaceBook group for one team ... the Schooners.

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Bruce Hallihan, author of the Gleaner article, was good enough to email me the Southern Conference schedule. (am I able to upload it?)


May 29

Fredericton Picaroons Reds Charlotte County Schooners Mallory Field 1:00pm

Dieppe Saint John ? 10:00am

June 1

Fredericton Picaroons Reds Fredericton Wanderers Chapman Field 9:15pm

June 5

Charlotte County Schooners Saint John ? ?

Dieppe Fredericton Wanderers Barker St 2:00pm

June 12th

Charlotte County Schooners Fredericton Wanderers Barker St 11:00am

Saint John Dieppe Dover Field 2:00pm

June 19

Dieppe Fredericton Picaroons Reds Chapman Field 6:00pm

Fredericton Wanderers Saint John Arthur Miller 10:00am

June 26

Saint John Fredericton Picaroons Reds Chapman Filed 10:30am

Fredericton Wanderers Charlotte County Schooners Mallory Field 2:00pm

July 3

Charlotte County Schooners Dieppe Dover Field 12:00pm

July 10

Charlotte County Schooners Fredericton Picaroons Reds Chapman Field 11:00am

July 11

Saint John Fredericton Wanderers Barker St 11:00am

July 17

Dieppe Charlotte County Schooners Mallory Field 10:00am

July 20

Fredericton Wanderers Fredericton Picaroons Reds Chapman Field 9:15pm

July 24

Saint John Charlotte County Schooners Mallory Field 11:00am

July 31

Fredericton Picaroons Reds Dieppe Dover Field 12:00pm

August 7

Fredericton Picaroons Reds Saint John Arthur Miller 10:00am

Fredericton Wanderers Dieppe Dover Field 1:00pm

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What Miles said in the article is absolute hogwash regarding NB's lack of Nationals entry.

When nationals were in 2008, Pinsent passed on sending his team to St. John's, because the same guys who were on UNB would be given a rest, hoping he could win the AUS title. Because of this, Chaleur (the Van Horne champs) were to go in the P-Red's place..of course, they could not come up with the $$ in that span of time, so NB pulled out and got a 2 year suspension out of it. That is why there was no rep last year, and I doubt there will be one this year unless something happens.

So yea, I wouldn't be shocked if he wasn't too enthused about the league. I have heard rumblings he isn't event that great of a coach anyway..and as far as I know, he's the only full-time, year-round AUS employed coach (My guess is Lewis Page of UPEI is employed by the PEISA).

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