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In the Euro final a few days ago Spain went out and beat Germany playing a 4-1-4-1. The same formation Canada has played on numerous occasions including the Gold Cup run. Spain perfected this formation in the final and Canada really should follow.

Key Players

Ramos/Capdevilla- They made key runs forward keeping the teams width alive which Stalteri and Brennan could do a lot more

Senna- Really played the defensive midfield role to perfection. Covered the runs from the wide-backs, never left the defense open. Got the ball forward from the defense quickly to start breaks, and was defensively sound. I have full confidence that Hutchinson could fill this difficult role.

Xavi- He is playing in the position which I believe we should have DeGuzman. He was able to get forward through out the tournament show off his passing range, and go into tackles aggressively and defend well. For DeGuzman to shine with Canada this central midfield position is where we need him.

Fabregas- Creative, Fantastic passing, scores wonder goals. Great position for our Nsaliwa.

Ineista/Silva - The two wide midfielders acted as supporting free-flowing forwards which is where DeRo and Issey/ Radz are more effective. We need to capitalize on the use of DeRo in a similar free-flowing attacking role.

Torres- Isn't really a man to hold up the ball like Friend. But I think we still need Friend on the team considering we have more difficulty advancing the ball than Spain do.

This Spanish game tape needs to be looked at by Dale and shown to our players. This is how we should be playing during World Cup Qualifying.

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Guest Jeffery S.
quote:Originally posted by leafdolfan

In the Euro final a few days ago Spain went out and beat Germany playing a 4-1-4-1. The same formation Canada has played on numerous occasions including the Gold Cup run. Spain perfected this formation in the final and Canada really should follow.

Key Players

Ramos/Capdevilla- They made key runs forward keeping the teams width alive which Stalteri and Brennan could do a lot more

Senna- Really played the defensive midfield role to perfection. Covered the runs from the wide-backs, never left the defense open. Got the ball forward from the defense quickly to start breaks, and was defensively sound. I have full confidence that Hutchinson could fill this difficult role.

Xavi- He is playing in the position which I believe we should have DeGuzman. He was able to get forward through out the tournament show off his passing range, and go into tackles aggressively and defend well. For DeGuzman to shine with Canada this central midfield position is where we need him.

Fabregas- Creative, Fantastic passing, scores wonder goals. Great position for our Nsaliwa.

Ineista/Silva - The two wide midfielders acted as supporting free-flowing forwards which is where DeRo and Issey/ Radz are more effective. We need to capitalize on the use of DeRo in a similar free-flowing attacking role.

Torres- Isn't really a man to hold up the ball like Friend. But I think we still need Friend on the team considering we have more difficulty advancing the ball than Spain do.

This Spanish game tape needs to be looked at by Dale and shown to our players. This is how we should be playing during World Cup Qualifying.

As I suggested on the Euro thread, Canada have been tactically close to Spain for a few years, since the Yallop days. And curiously enough we seem to have made this change as you say around the same time.

Obviously the players cannot compare, though maybe DeRo has that dynamic presence and surprise quality that Silva has, not sure about the rest, Silva was really extraordinary though his final was not so notable.

But you are right that you have to look at how the team played it and take out the differences that cannot be resolved, like the precision passing, as we are a long way from that. One thing was seeing the long ball, slow build up, possession game, patience, and then long ball. That was great, Torres and Villa did well with it, and it mixed well with the attack of the mids coming through the holes.

In any case, I agree to a great extent, including thinking about your 4-4-2 when Villa was healthy, if you have another striker to accompany Friend, could be Radz, could be Hume, but would have to be complementary, quicker, more mobile. You want to try to remake the Koller-Radz combo at Anderlecht though any way you can.

Another thing Aragones did marvellously: the subs were perfect, at times amazing. Especially the timing, usually when the player coming out was not quite ready to leave, and often a key player. Using the subs to keep the tension up, to push the players, keep them on edge. Usually with Yallop and Dale the subs are late, obvious, and never have time to do anything, they are reactive and slow reacting as well. This is something we have to work on, make everyone called up feel like they can play a part and an important one.

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