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More Canadian to Bundesliga Rumours - Jazic to


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Nurnberg (in first place in 2te Bundesliga and likely to be promoted). States that Nurnberg is intensively active in trying to obtain Jazic who is a left side defender/midfielder. Also states that before this season he was average but this year has become an exceptional performer.

Nürnberg bemüht sich intensiv um Rapidspieler Jazic (kroatischer Kanadier). Jazic spielt linker Verteidiger/linkes Mittelfeld - ist aber bei Rapid bis vor dieser Saison nur Mitläufer gewesen. Diese Saison ist er ein absoluter Leistungsträger! (Quelle: Kurier, Printausgabe Wien)

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Good to hear...since many of us dont get to see many of our guys play much if ever, things like this help to give us an understanding of where these players are at.....and this is definitly good to hear.

one other thing....where does he play more often with his club.....defense or mid?

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