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Important information for all away supporters


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In Finland the following rules of behaviour apply in the stadium arena:

- no standing

- no cheering

- no shouting

- no laughter

- no flares

- no singing

- no talking

- no swearing

and most importantly

- no fun

Both teams must applaude for the other team politely, but not too loudly. Loud clapping is allowed only when corners are given and the appropriate "Clap"-sign is shown by one of the Palloliito officials. Fan groups - including the away groups during their stay in Finland - must use one of the official Chanting Songs when chanting if any.

The Official Chanting Songs in October are:

- Suomi *clap* *clap* (roughly translated : Finland *clap* *clap*)

- Canada *clap* *clap*

Both songs are available in CD's for practice. Please contact Finnish Palloliito (www.palloliito.fi) for details.

Insulting or ridiculing the other team is strictly prohibted!

Remember to send the number of people travelling to Finland to watch the match in due time so we can arrange the appropriate security matters. 25 security officials / away supporter is customary for fans traveling from your area to ensure that your stay in our country goes as well as possible.

The game will begin with the crowd shouting the Finnish Palloliito Official Slogan "United Smile!" in unison (also available in CD-format for practice).

Welcome and have a pleasant stay!


Finnish Palloliito

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quote:Originally posted by Palloliito

In Finland the following rules of behaviour apply in the stadium arena:

- no standing

- no cheering

- no shouting

- no laughter

- no flares

- no singing

- no talking

- no swearing

and most importantly

- no fun

We're familiar with these rules. They're basically the same over here. The only way to communicate with other people during the game is with those long, red horns (aka "ferners")!

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quote:Originally posted by Palloliito

In Finland the following rules of behaviour apply in the stadium arena:

- no standing

- no cheering

- no shouting

- no laughter

- no flares

- no singing

- no talking

- no swearing

and most importantly

- no fun

We're familiar with these rules. They're basically the same over here. The only way to communicate with other people during the game is with those long, red horns (aka "ferners")!

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