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archer21 last won the day on January 7 2021

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  1. I think we'll be fine with the substitutions. A lot of the guys that have come into the lineup have been good for our youth teams before. Missing Biello could be tough though, and I haven't seen Mathe before so hopefully he's up for it.
  2. I'm not going to comment on all the legal stuff because frankly I'm not qualified in the area. The job posting looking for people with drone experience isn't really the smoking gun some make it out to be though. Teams use drones to film their own practices all the time, that would be a helpful skill whether they were spying on other teams or not.
  3. It looks like they show all their channels all the time. They're showing sports talk shows right now, and replays of old games on BTN.
  4. According to my very sophisticated research (looking at wiki and sofifa for EAFC ratings), Lilian Brassier is the only other left footed CB. They recently signed him on loan with option to buy from Brest. He played 30 matches in Ligue 1 for Brest so he will be good competition for Derek for sure. They play 5 at the back, so he could theoretically fill in at LCB or CB if he doesn't win a starting spot. I don't think it would be too far-fetched for him to start though.
  5. That's amazing, I didn't know you could do that. Now I know how I'm watching Big Ten Network during football season.
  6. Would it work in the US? I’ll be at work and on the work wifi which has a USA IP because it’s an American company.
  7. He's worn 15 before so maybe he couldn't get that and thought 51 was next best thing.
  8. Which part? It's true that the majority of their squad were born outside of Jamaica. Not that I'm saying that's wrong or shouldn't be allowed, but I think its pretty factual other than the "farcical" comment.
  9. He lived in Canada from 2009 to 2015 so approximately 4 to 10 years old. So he wasn't technically developed wholly outside of Canada. Most of the higher level training was obviously done in Mexico though. On an unrelated note, I just noticed that Honduras and DR play after our match, which is pretty amateur. They really should be playing at the same time at the other stadium.
  10. I'd be fine with bringing him in but I think we need to temper expectations a bit. Remember how good Justin Smith was for our youth team? It doesn't always translate to future success. Obviously Lopez is very promising though.
  11. He's lacked effort on a few plays as well. He arrived late, wonder how long he's been in camp for. Maybe a case of fatigue/jet lag.
  12. Would just mean he'd have to file a one time switch to play for Canada.
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