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Chad_Impact last won the day on December 24 2021

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  1. Wasn't working, good to part ways after the past few years
  2. Yeah exactly, I personally wouldn't trust performance right now. The team just looks lost out there.
  3. Weird rumor but that would be an instant buy jersey for me haha
  4. It is so damn boring watching this team
  5. Is Marcelo Flores completely in-eligible for Canada now? I see some tweets from Mexico saying he is and that they wouldn't be surprised seeing him switch after the copa america.
  6. I don't think he ended up playing at all, did he?
  7. I really want to see him take the next step. Obviously Ligue 1 and Lille is a good level but I feel his growth is now being stunted there
  8. I figured but was wondering if there are even any rumors of this
  9. Random question for you guys, but has Canada been invited for the 2028 copa america? Did I miss this? If you look at the teams on wiki (I know) for it rn it shows us and south Korea as invited
  10. Hope I'm wrong but I really don't see David doing well in the prem
  11. Hm interesting, guess he wants to focus on finding a club
  12. I wonder if we'll start seeing him linked with Europe soon
  13. Maybe I don't know the full story but yeah I feel Rea was very hard done by. When he played you saw the talent was there. Losada was the exact opposite of what he needed and now it seems it has sent his career into a spiral. I really hope he can get back on his feet.
  14. Not the name some wanted to see but he's a great coach. I'm happy with this
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