As much as I loved Berna’s skill and ability, it was moronic how many yellows he took and suspensions he served just because he acted like a 4 year old. I am on the fence with him.
He was obviously our most skilled player, so if he can buy into acting like a professional then I doubt we can find a replacement of his calibre willing to come over to the shit show known as Tfc for similar money.
As for the worst signing in history I see no way of getting rid of him unless he will take a reduced buy out to walk away. Chances of that are slim and nil.
If they use all remaining “DP” spots l, 4 I am guessing if Richie is paid down, and they get a striker, 2 mids with skill, and a CB then adding that to Johnson, Laryea, Gomis, Long, Osorio in a reduced role, and serviceable guys like Servania, Longstaff, Corelli, Franklin, …. Then they may actually have a chance to be competitive. If they don’t then tickets should be even easier to buy next year. In the past I attended 15-20 games a year but I was down to 1 for the past few seasons just to take my youngest who is my only footy fan in the family. Even watching them on tv was painful this year and if this keeps up I won’t have any reason to resubscribe to Apple to watch this shit.