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Weymouth 0-9 Rushden & D


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hello there everybody.

i see that news of our plight has reached you good people.

we have a pretty hardcore following and we were there on saturday to watch us get beat 9-0 and we are proud of every single one of our youngsters who ran there heart out under impossible circumstances.

you can't fault Rushden for winning and scoring as many goals as they did, any team would have doen the same and their players were superb, encourageing our youngsters to keep going till the end and they even applauded our boys off.

as for our plight, yes we are in serious trouble and we as honest football supporters are fighting with everything we have to keep our club alive. we have been overwhelmed with support from clubs and real fans up and down the country have been superb with offering us encouragement and luck.

if anybody out there is reading this and has a couple of quid spare please visit this site...


we will assure you we are fighting as hard as we can

thanks for reading.

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