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Italia Shooters Survey - Win!!


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Win an Official Autographed Locust Game Ball and 2 Season Tickets for 2008

The Italia Shooters need your help to find out what they can do to make your experience more enjoyable when you attend your next game. We have created a brief survey that asks a few questions to gain your opinion on the team, the league, and if there are any ideas you have to help the Shooters remain one of the most competitive teams in the Canada. The goal of this survey is also to help serve the community better. The survey will take less than five minutes to complete, and to show our appreciation you will be entered into a draw to win an autographed game ball from the Shooters match against the Serbian White Eagles on June 24th. The ball is signed by the player of the match Camilo Benzi. To be entered into this draw, please submit your email address in the last question.

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