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Rocky Mtn Cup:Suprises,Disapointments,Expectations

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BC had 3 shocking games this tournament. Their first game against Alberta was a lucky 1-0 win. Alberta dominated the whole game but let one slip by due to the amazing speed of BC. Their seconding shocking game was against Saskatchewan where they tied them although they should of won especially with a penalty shot in the 90th minute.

Then their last game came to a huge surprise when they beat Ontario in the final. They won by a hand ball that was in the box from a "slippery" defender to win it. Some say they were lucky because Ontario got a goal called back.

Ontario did everything that was expected of them except win the final game against BC. The rolled over everyone but couldn't seem to win the last one. Some may say a disappointing tournament some may not. I say not the whole tournament was but the final was.

Alberta did everything that was expected of them. They were expected to lose to BC they did. They were expected to lose to Ontario and they did. Granted they deserved to beat BC and they didn't show well against Ontario. The game against BC. Alberta had to contain BC's speed, mostly down the flanks, and that's how Alberta almost won the game. The BC keeper showed very, very, well and was a key part in that match. The game against Ontario was totally different. They had to keep up with Ontario's strength and size and they just couldn't.

Did anyone watch this tournament? If you did post some comments on how you felt the teams played or if there were any players that played well.


The Observer

F.Y.I. This tournament was a round robin for the U-15B. So there was no "finals," but Alberta set it up so BC would play Ontario as the lastt game of the tournament, and Alberta played Saskatchewan for bronze on the last day. Just shows you something about whoeven organized the tournament.

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I think Alberta has lots of potential. They always seem to be much more talented then BC and Quebec but constantly underachieve. BC are always good athletes but not necessarily good futbollers. Ontario is the master province. Talented and good athletics support their domination. Their resources are very large. Quebec is also another underachiever. I think both Quebec and Alberta fall short in their development structure. I am not very familiar with Quebec but in Alberta the teams play together 1 month before nationals and off they go which is obviously insufficient. Provinces like BC and Ontario are constantly travelling and training throughout the year which helps them build teams with depth. I really like BC's administration. They are very organized and determined unlike AB.

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quote:Originally posted by Ricardo06

I think Alberta has lots of potential. They always seem to be much more talented then BC and Quebec but constantly underachieve.... Quebec is also another underachiever. I think both Quebec and Alberta fall short in their development structure. I am not very familiar with Quebec.. Provinces like BC and Ontario are constantly travelling and training throughout the year which helps them build teams with depth. I really like BC's administration. They are very organized and determined unlike AB.

Last year Quebec's U14 and U16 boys teams won gold at the Nationals championships for all-star (provincial rep) teams. BC came 3rd in U14 and 5th in U16.

BC's Provincial teams are picked in late March, then they train together a couple times a week until the summer, then they play a few tournaments and then they disband. They do not play together all year round.

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The success of the program in Ontario and Bc for that matter has very little to do with their program and more to do with the number of registered players in their province.

As for Quebec they are often the most exciting teams to watch.

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"The success of the program in Ontario and Bc for that matter has very little to do with their program and more to do with the number of registered players in their province." I partially disagree with that. I think that Ontario and BC have a better program because they actually train all year or half a year, they actually go to tournaments, they actually spend money on their teams. I agree with the registered players comment. BC had 350 at there tryouts, Ontatio was at 385, and Alberta had 100 if that.

" Ontario is the master province. Talented and good athletics support their domination" I totally, totally disagree with that. Ontario is everything but talent. All we are are big, strong, and good in the air. We, Ontario, scored 2 or 3 out of 4 goals against Alberta in the air, with their heads.

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With more registered payers comes the increased oppurtunity to find quality players developed by clubs. The better the player the easier it is to bring a player into a system of play.

As for spending money on their teams you do mean parents spending money on the team don't you.

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quote:Originally posted by The Observer

" Ontario is the master province. Talented and good athletics support their domination" I totally, totally disagree with that. Ontario is everything but talent. All we are are big, strong, and good in the air. We, Ontario, scored 2 or 3 out of 4 goals against Alberta in the air, with their heads.

Last years U14 team from Ontario was a very good team with some very talented players who were not big. There was a short blonde striker, with long hair, his first name was Peter and he had a greek last name. He was the most skillful player in the tournament. I noticed he's not on Ontario's U15 team this year. Why?

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No actually I dont. A certain percentage of a clubs registration fee goes to the ASA or OSA etc and Alberta's percentage is lower than the big provinces and we have a lower population. So if you do the math ASA is not getting much money. Maybe that's why their training camps aren't up to notch and they aren't going to tournaments. I don't what it's like in other provinces but they have to use the U13's and U15's money for the U14's,16's', and 18's tournaments.

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Well in Ontario in order for the teams to do the events they do parents often have to spend a few thousand dollars.

PArents in Sask. had to pay close to a thousand dollars for the program this year.

Aand as for Alberta not being up to snuff, Alberta has regularly produced a very strong girls program.

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quote:Originally posted by The Observer

Peter might have been chosen for the 90 Canada Tour. That wasn't Ontario's best team i think. A couple of players who are on the tour weren't at the cup.

Thank you. What is his last name?

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