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A-League stats, stats, stats

Bxl Boy

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We made a lot of work tonight and have made a news on impactsoccer.com with a lot of stats about the regular season.

You have traditionnal ones (genereal standing) and more original ones (most spectacular team, quarter-finalistes against each other).

All these are standings generally easy to understand and there's few text in french.

But, in case, they are the following (in this order) :

- General standing

- Home standing

- Away standing

- % of points won at home

- Best attack

- Best attack at home

- Best defence

- Most spectacular team (= goals when a team plays, for + against)

- Most spectacular (team at) home

- Goal difference in the 4 divisions

- Mini-championship between the quarter-finalists

- Form (6 last games) of the quarter finalists

You can find it on http://www.impactsoccer.com/news.php?id=112 I think there are some intersting datas.

Hope you'll enjoy it

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