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How come the "Canada Cup" started??


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quote:Originally posted by ziv2002

I thought that the "Open Canada Cup" is just after the season ends no?

No, think of it as a league cup that has been opened up to a few non-league teams --- that's why the word "Open" is in the name (in North American sports there is no concept of playing games against teams in other leagues, so when such a tournament is created (which only happens in soccer) the organizers usually feel that it is necessary to specify that it is "open" to teams from different leagues). Therefore, like any other league cup, it is played throughout the season. You are probably thinking of the Playoff Cup, also called the "Rogers Cup" --- that one takes place at the end of the season and involves the top three teams from each CPSL conference.

Note than Canada has no true national cup. In fact, we do not have a true domestic championship of any kind. We are probably the only country in the world that does not name a true national champion every year. We suck. [:P] This is something you have to understand if you're going to come here and be a soccer fan.

I see that you are interested in the North York Astros. I happen to be a North York fan, one of very, very few (on average there are only about 50 people at each game, and most of them are family, friends, officials from the league or other teams, etc. that cannot really be considered fans --- however, despite this there are actually two or three North York fans in the Voyageurs). You said that they are the closest team to where your grandmother lives. I don't know if you know this but they play in Toronto's Jewish neighbourhood, which probably explains why your grandmother lives close to them!

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