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  1. I noticed during the Chile national anthem he was very clearly impressed with the Chilean fans screaming so might have played into his effort
  2. That was an incredible half but i'm feeling pessimistic about the missed chances. Like Argentina won't be missing their chances if they come in this second half. Just don't want this effort to be wasted
  3. Genuinely incredible performance. Game could have gone either way in the end
  4. Yeah we genuinely seemed to have a smart patient builld up this half only to be thwarted by tunnel visioned dribbling, bad movement, poor crosses and heavy touches in the final third. Just lacking the quality to actually make chances happen
  5. I hate how bad we are at set pieces. Offensively and defensively it's a massive problem
  6. To me it doesn't even have to be a blaming Davies thing. Herdman and his staff should know he shouldn't be the guy taking penalties. Even if he scored I think we would still be criticizing this decision
  7. To be fair to them Costa Rica beat us in qualifying. If you're not watching the games and you see that result you might not understand
  8. I haven't been active here recently but i've just come to say it's finally happening and i'm incredibly happy and thankful I got to be apart of the highs and the lows of this world cup cycle with this great group of fans and blessed to see Canada finally back at the world cup for the first time in my life
  9. This may be in the top 5 most boring games i've watched 90 minutes of and it's not even over Go team
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