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Jay striker

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Jay striker last won the day on July 10 2020

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  1. Unlucky.. hope he has a speedy recovery.
  2. He’s made it pretty clear his dream is to play for Canada. I’m sure he and his people would have looked into this before agreeing to play for Syria in the exhibition. I’m assuming he is doing it for the experience and exposure. Hopefully works out for him. A nice take away is we’ll get to see him play in a higher level of soccer
  3. I agree with it being the right move if this is true. Will give him some real international experience and exposure.
  4. Looks like they’re gunna make him for work a spot on the team. Shouldn’t be too long considering they’re averaging 4 GA every week..
  5. After a few weeks off the pitch and a 4 game losing streak, Belals comeback to the team has helped them win the last two games. Two shut outs and a winning goal scored as well. Captain band as well. Good to see he’s back and making a difference on the field
  6. His highlight tape looks great, mind you it’s a lower level.. he should definitely have his opportunity to shine soon enough
  7. He had tested positive at the start of camp from what I remember and was not able to practice or play for that matter except for the last couple of days. Was very unfortunate for him
  8. What else is new.. politics will always over ride everything
  9. Why does it matter who they are? Good to have anyone keep us up to date on the rising Canadian stars.. doesn’t make them “weird shills” you need to chill man, we’re all rooting for the same team
  10. It’s only a matter of time before he does get the call up at the pace he’s playing. But I do agree with him having to get called up before CNT consideration for real playing time.. that being said, he does have a set of striker/mid field skills that you don’t see on defenders. Should be exciting to see how this year plays out for him.
  11. He’s working his way up. Has a goal on the day too. He looks very calm with the ball coming out of the back from what I have seen. Also has the speed and physical capabilities to play with the top players. Definitely worth bringing him into the national team for a test run
  12. Great stuff! He’s working his way up!
  13. Here is the game he played in on 10/21. He started and played the whole game and looked really good.
  14. https://www.werder.de/aktuell/news/u23/20202021/spielberichte/regionalliga-nord/spielbericht-vfb-oldenburg-u23/ The kid got his first start in a big game and played very well at the CB position. Was able to play the full 90. To reply to snowcrash, Bremen playing a 4 man back line. Hopefully he will get more playing time moving forward
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