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  1. Without the Jon Lovitz counterpart, the blonde Pfeiffer German chick. And in France and within the french educational system, the french teachers gets absorbed and on one scene he insults two African chicks with hurtful remarks, of course the teenagers are mocking France , him being a whitey french and the French culture , he gets very personal, but at the end of the year the movie end with all even the principal playing a 5 a side in the school patio
  2. No, there wasn't any hot chick on it, only troubled teenagers from everywhere and a white french teacher who can't cope with teenagers and their subculture, and he gets angry all the time because he can't get his class done , because kids ploy to make fun of him and his frenchness
  3. Thanks for this , It is as it is , but @narduch
  4. It is really good it won the Cannes film festival
  5. Yeah sure, the chant was unbelievable stupid from the elite class of Argentina , mostly those who evade taxes and underpay employees, tyrants with money , the worst class of bourgeoisie. Enzo is guilty even though it meant to say that without Africa , France won't have a competitive national football team, it is non of our business to criticise this as southamericans. They choose what they want under the rules of FIFA , those men are born there and the French constitution said that you are french or frenchness in IUS SOLI , Ius Soli , ..... NOT IUS SANGUINIS as the Spain and Italy and Ireland and the UK and Portugal. Ditto this , from one fellow who actually lived there and worked there in between France and Swiss , of course the are under the law within the french system. And their educational system states that at a very short age 14 or 15 you have to choose your path . I recommend you to watch for yourself the french film of 2008 / 9. Entre les murs from a former footballer writer and football journalist when he was a teacher of french language in a public school in the outskirts of Paris in the Greater Paris . All the confrontation among the African descendants the msgrehbi white African against the southern western Africans there , like a framing oxímoron The wrongness as the chant or banter is full of prejudice is that someone cannot be french if he is darker skin is just plain dumb. It doesn't have malice but is full of ignorance from the elite people of Argentina those who hate the labour party and social justice and the good things of Peronism and liberal popular parties like ( U.C.R and the socialist left parties ). They want a 5 or 10 million country Ditto this Deschamps who identifies himself as BASQUE before even french is an image of the french society for the last 40 years Francois Miterrand my political hero fought for a country without frontiers were all people could live in peace. And I am myself of french Italian Savoyard and Irish and Catalunyan descendent and I have a great grand mother from the natives, I'm a Kevin Costner myself a mixture of nations as many people in the world , I always support a world without frontiers because I am a citizen of the world.
  6. I sanction that snobbish chant from the upper class of Argentina , racism in Argentina in some social pockets it is related to the richest and anti Peronists , as I said football is life and life is politics as simple as ...2 +2 is four
  7. Argentina and South America aren't racist at all, I already explained in other We can't measure racism but yes we can still measure colonialism
  8. Easy big fellow . If you don't agree that everything is politics you are mistaken, everything is politics, you and I my Canadian friend are the Zoon Politikons , otherwise we would be a pack of wolves in Yukon. And yes I'm a city slicker but I'm an avid fisherman and have do.e survival skills I was a Peronist boy scout at eleven . You are correct Germany is an exception that confirms this social law. Do you know what they did ? After the Matttheus Hassler Klinsmann illgner génération thé government noticed that kids there of my generation weren't as attracted by football some went into drugs, music, arts , video games , college etx etc. Ballack and Klose generation were a few of a low bunch, beween 1995 and 2000 they cteated centre of sports to develop the best prospects there the Tony Kroos and Ozil of life appeared
  9. Are you counting Junta ? And the mothers of Disappeared? They hated Peronism the union trades and the social justice, culture actors singers workers university students that the tried to wipe us all , my soft thistle of Yukon
  10. Not so , that's why a Muppet from far right is in office. Most people are plain ignorants, the rest are Peronist/political liberals or the left, the one who studied from a working class upbringing are up to social justice , the rest have a Neoliberal behaviour and they are friendly with the ones who enslave them , human rights are what we support all the generations of rights ....you see.... ....Rich people and companies don't wanna pay taxes is that ok for you? Then you see them around the globe . Best regards
  11. My dear friend and soft flower of the Nordstar, do you know why the kids in the shanty towns or favelas or thé french banlieus or the southamerican villas miserias won't play Polo ? Because you know the will kill and eat the horse , you can't make footballers from opulence or rich towns like the Hamptons, we have great footballers because or poverty, because of the working clubs , because the social clubs in the neighborhood that they offer different sports and hobbies for its community as it happen in Barcelona, in Ireland in Uruguay in Argentina and in France as well and im many countries too. Where people collect money for funds for the children's to compete, shirts, shoes, ⚽ 🏈 🎾 🤾 🥊 etc etc etc , without society you can't have footballers I'm a capitalist but I support social justice , the richest as Bono sings " the wicked make just so much noise, mother , the righteous stay oddly still , with no wisdom all of the riches in the world leave us poor tonight" , Ave Maria. Or George Best's parents were rich ? Or etc etc The worst crime Is those who come from the bottom of society they forget who they are and who they represent my dear KENT . That's why Peronism/justicialism is so absorbing even though with it's faults because politics are made by people sometimes greedy, it's the third way. England had a justicialist in office, Tony Blair , he couldn't rise up to the occasion Cheers Long live Bielsa !!! Sartre said once " we are and solve things here as the result from what others have done with us since we exist"
  12. You can be an oligarch or aristocrat and being ignorant or plain dumb. Old family money doesn't make them more intelligent .
  13. That's amazing. As I said before then the msgrehbi people how do you list them , France is an immigrant country though Le Pen family and niece can't accept the end of France Vichy. Zidane Ben Yadder Benzema et and many more are ethnic white , so you also have the french Caribbean So they have four or five France teams in one team nothing wrong with that as I said before, FRANCE IS a rugby Country. They have to choose the best though some should do de Drogba abd the Aunemeyang move and play for the Africa teams as Mourinho suggested and Trevor Noah said as well
  14. IlOkCan we say if the people crazy zealots like Le Pen get their hands in their national team , France would be really as competitive as today ? I say they will struggle to qualify in Uefa for WC and Euro The best team of course with Mbappe on it. Of course will never prevail in a competition with Mbappe even still on it... Laurent Blanc quitted because he tried to apply a whitey quota in the team. Senior and young . Check this out GK Meslier RB Pavard CB Lenglet CB Hernandez L LB Hernandez T RM Le Fée CM Rabiot CM Veretout AM Griezmann CF Mbappe CF Maupay Réserves Lecomte Chevalier Merlin Gigot Gradit Chardonnet Dubois Clauss Caqueret Tousart Thauvin Rongier Honorat Terrier Labord Le Douaron Is this team good enough ????? Nah , wouldn't beat Venezuela nor Ecuador and Albania and Slovenia will best them easily
  15. As I stated before France primary important sport is rugby, they are obsessed people about rugby. only near Lille and Strasbourg football is more predominant , and in Marseille in the south also Nice a bit. The football became the immigration sport but not from the last 30 years, but since forever ....., Platini was Italian Fernandez basque , Battiston Genghini Amoros Xuereb Stopyra Djorkaeff Candela Cantona Bravo Ginola Di Meco etc etc all poor white trash people coming from the white immigrants banlieu. African french are only the 10 percent of that country but most of them play sports at school you need to choose at a young age your future in France so at 15 you have to compete and decide because of the baccalaureat made by Napoleon In France the white french people like Papin Bats Petit Blanc Cabaye Toulalan Debauchy etc etc etc etc. They couldn't care less about football in the rest of their country, and I lived near Genève for 5 years in a little forgotten french town near the Swiss border. If there is one true and true Astérix descendant who plays football is an anomaly. Check the rosters of the 1 st and 2nd division 80 % of them are french Africans and Arabs , it is mathematics. And the rich Argentinians in a way they envy that those Africans are true french citizens and they are white southamericans. Players like Enzo who come from working class industrial cities are used by the rich people of Argentina they befriend with them and the become " class traitors " or as we say in Spain and Argentins " déclassé ' people who come from very poor upbringing and when they become rich they forget their origins one example are kun Agüero and Tévez, they are getting friends and ladies that they would reject both if they weren't rich and famous. But they are And those two they like to " belong " or feel part of a social class that will reject and avoid the working class people that they used to represent. Tévez cheated on his sweetheart girlfriend as many times as he could with every model and bikini bimbo and he still does, his wife came from the same upbringing and she forgave everything. The money those women made from footballers is amazing, mistresses, girlfriend prostitutes , wannabes etc and not only fro. The elite players but from the lower league players too, there is a subculture all young women here and in Spain they wanna be " influencers " before a degree. They get Cars apartments jewelry etc etc there's is a subcultures of the wags in South America not only in Argentina. Oldest people made jokes that when they were young the old mother's and grannies advice the girls to get married with a lawyer, judge, or a medical doctor or an architect or even a policeman who could be a police chief with years they used to remark that now the newer generations wanna get a footballer or a tennis player instead . As I said before none southamerican country is racist, they are "classists" or the similar meaning for English people could be ". Snob/ snobbish ". Or class conscious persons, but not for University carrers, only for money and prestige, in a way if some we can accuse Argentinians and other southamericans is of being very shallow and ignorants with money. The people who studies aren't the best paid in South America, you can get a butcher shop owner who earns ten times more than a medical doctor or even a truck driver or bus drives they make double than a teacher. The song came from snobby rich blue eyes upper class Argentinians who deep bottom the envy the Paul Pogba and Upanecano's of life because in their passports they are born and bred citizens. At the start of xx Century the rich Argentinians of oligarchs families they used to spend their big money in France and the French had an expression ". You are as rich as an Argentinian" or " throwing butter to the restaurant 's ceiling" ( butter was an expensive product then and those rich argies used the butter to play around with it, in France to show they could afford it to the poor working clas people as a symbol of money power) of course those were only the 10 % of the country while the rest was starving that's way those hated the Peronism that with all their faults they fought for dignity for the poor and working class people, those rich idiots of the chant now , they are their descendants of the old oligarchy before the Perón arrival .
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