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  • Some Canadian Guys Podcast #32: The CanMNT Drinking Game / The Umbro Jacket Contest


    ccs-3097-140264009648_thumb.jpgWe're back, at long last, and what timing! We delve into the men's team's performance at the Gold Cup, and the women's team's (imagined) performance at the upcoming World Cup. We also introduce the CanMNT drinking game, Grant refers to "undercooked chocolate bananas" and we sear several images into your head including Chuck Blazer, panda bears and purple silk shirts.

    Also! We introduce our Umbro Canada jacket contest! Listen to the podcast (or read below) for details on how you can win a brand-new Canada dale jacket.


    We've got six clues coming out (in the form of easy questions -- well, easy if you've been paying attention) in the next week. Clue number one is within this episode of the podcast, with the remainder coming out via our Twitter feeds (see the right-hand side of this page), our Facebook page and a post here on CSN. Compile your six answers and fire them off to canadiansoccerguys@gmail.com; if you're the first to collect all the treasure, the jacket's yours!

    Treasure hunts are fun, and the jacket is pretty sweet. So good luck!

    Click here for Episode #32: The CanMNT Drinking Game (mp3)

    Click here to subscribe to the Some Canadian Guys iTunes feed

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