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  • CSA letter to Alberta - dated today



    Canadian Soccer Association secretary general Peter Montopoli today sent a letter to the Alberta Soccer Association, outlining the CSA position on a proposed Alberta by-law change which would allow soccer people in the province to turn to the courts for dispute resolution.

    Such a move is a violation of FIFA regulations. It is clear the CSA intends to suspend Alberta, should it be passed at the ASA annual general meeting this Saturday.

    Montopoli's letter -- in full -- is here:


    The letter is in response to a query letter to the ASA last Wednesday, from Edmonton Interdistrict Youth Soccer Association COO Barrie White.

    The letter asked ASA executive director Richard Adams to ask the CSA to clarify if suspension was, in fact, a possibility.

    Montopoli's response echoes the rising perception that the CSA is taking action because of pressure from FIFA, including a direct threat that Canada will be suspended if Alberta adopts the new by-law.

    The CSA GS also concedes there is unhappiness with the current CSA dispute-resolution process. He makes an open-ended promise (no time deadline) that the situation will be addressed and modified, to address concerns without violating FIFA law.

    The clear intent of the letter is to offer Alberta a chance to change course, heading off the suspension threat, while still making efforts to address the ASA's concerns.

    As reported here on Saturday, suspending Alberta could lead directly to FC Edmonton of the tier-two NASL being barred from playing competitive matches.

    Thanks to the Reform Alberta Soccer website for making these documents available.


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