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  • It's Called Football - Trades edition



    Tonight, we'll have a special edition podcast up - breaking down the day's action by Toronto FC.

    We'll take an individual look at the players going out, as well as the players coming in and ask the question: is this team better today, than it was yesterday?

    We'll also look at the addition of Terry Dunfield and what it does to the lineup, debate if this will herald the departure of Julian DeGuzman and talk about what pieces could still be to come.

    The archived show will up around midnight.


    <embed src="http://itscalledfootball.podhoster.com/FlowPlayerLight.swf?config={embedded:true,videoFile:%27http://itscalledfootball.podhoster.com/download/2540/24449/july142011final.mp3%27,initialScale:%27scale%27,controlBarBackgroundColor:%270x778899%27,autoBuffering:false,loop:false,autoPlay:false}" width="400" height="25" scale="fit" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" pluginspage="http://www.macromedia.com/go/getflashplayer"></embed>

    We'll also have another podcast up tomorrow, where we take two influential members of the community, who are known to differ on a number of opinions and throw five questions at them. The aim is to further the debate that Canadian soccer is having right about what needs to be done to fix our game from the grassroots level up.

    It will be up at noon on Friday.

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