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  • It's Called Football - Guest: Nigel Reed



    We're back after a short lay off to talk about the health of Toronto FC, share our thoughts on the new Women's National team coach and discuss the turnout for the Canada game.

    We'll also be joined by the Fan590's Nigel Reed to breakdown Canada's first two qualifying games and discuss what the national team program should define as 'success'.

    The archived show is now up.


    <embed src="http://itscalledfootball.podhoster.com/FlowPlayerLight.swf?config={embedded:true,videoFile:%27http://itscalledfootball.podhoster.com/download/2540/25625/sept72011final.mp3%27,initialScale:%27scale%27,controlBarBackgroundColor:%270x778899%27,autoBuffering:false,loop:false,autoPlay:false}" width="400" height="25" scale="fit" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" pluginspage="http://www.macromedia.com/go/getflashplayer"></embed>

    Follow us on Twitter to find out about guests for Friday's show

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