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  • Bored? Watch Fever Pitch


    ccs-54-140264006718_thumb.jpgHate your family yet? Stuffed with turkey? Looking to fill the time now that the gifts are unwrapped, the food is eaten, and there's literally nothing else to talk to your loved ones about?

    How about a football movie?

    Fever Pitch is the 1997 film about a man's lifelong obsession with the beautiful game, and the way his love of the game puts him at odds with leading a "normal" life. In other words, each and every one of the people who visit this site should be able to relate (each individual's level of obsession may vary).

    And for some inexplicable reason, it's on YouTube in its entirety (below the jump):



    It's based on the stellar book by Nick Hornby (author of High Fidelity and About a Boy, among others). I'd highly recommend picking up a copy of the book if possible, as it differs significantly from the film. In fact, it's far superior, but the movie still stands up on its own merits.

    Do not confuse this movie with the 2005 adaptation/abomination about the Boston Red Sox. That one just sucks.

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