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  • #GetUsedToIt


    Toronto FC played some team from Europe Wednesday night. They lost.

    But the real news - news that had Twitter buzzing following halftime - was the interview from TSN's Jason De Vos with Toronto FC general manager Kevin Payne.

    Payne, who had already been vocal about his support for these types of games at the original press conference, took it a step further - more likely a step too far - and gave TFC's long suffering supporters a fairly blunt assessment of his thoughts on their opinions of the mid-season friendlies.

    If you missed it, there is a brief transcript of his thoughts, after the jump


    Jason De Vos: Kevin, the supporters groups that have created such a great atmosphere here, have voiced their dislike of games like this. They've obviously in many respects, some of them, not shown up tonight. What do you say to fans, to try and get that balancing act, to try and bring games like this to Toronto, but obviously try to be competitive in MLS first?

    Kevin Payne: We're going to play these games (emphasized)

    Awkward pause

    De Vos: So, it's as simple as that?

    Payne: It is simple as that.

    De Vos: So the supporters clubs that don't want them to happen, they're - you know - out of luck?

    Payne: They should get used to it (emphasized). We're going to play these games, I don't think it's a detriment, this would be the hard day of training for our team anyway, for young players on the field now for instance, how much is this game worth, to play against teams like this?


    Get used to it? If you didn't catch that interview, you really have to see it to understand the contempt. We'll post the video if it goes up. In the meantime, you can download his comments here. Stream it here.

    But for those who saw it live or just listened to it now - how did you react to Payne's comments?

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