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  • Don't blame the victim

    There is a whole hell of a lot that you can blame TFC for, but this isn't their fault. I can't stop shaking my head. I can't believe (De Rosario) would pull a stunt like this. It's beyond selfish and irresponsible.
    Above is a quote from a Canadian soccer insider -- and one that can hardly be called a supporter of TFC.

    Jason deVos Tweeted today that DeRo was "so wrong that he couldn't see right from where he was."

    The reaction from those within the game has been consistent. De Rosario's decision to blindside MLS and TFC by going on trial with Celtic without permission is indefensible. TFC owners MLSE can be blamed for many things, but they can hardly be blamed by the actions of a player and agent that have gone completely outside football world's established rules.


    Within a few minutes I will have a MLSsoccer.com article up with some fresh quotes from both TFC and MLS. You can read the words of others there. However, what I will tell you now is that the first time someone from Celtic talked to anyone from either TFC or MLS was Tuesday morning -- hours after DeRo had finished his first training session with Celtic.

    Additionally TFC told the DeRo camp that they would grant him permission to train with another club. They only required that a training agreement -- again the norm throughout the football world -- be in place before he go on trial.

    MLS also told me that Celtic indicated to them that DeRo and his agent had indicated to them that they had permission. TFC is adamant they did not and, frankly, I'm inclined to believe them. The reaction from both club and league today seemed sincere and consistent with what you would expect by someone that was blindsided.

    One has to wonder what this might mean for DeRo. Celtic can't be too happy with a no-name (to them) player from a minnow country making them look like bad guys. De Rosario may be able to add something to Celtic, but he's hardly a rare commodity. Today's news isn't likely to help his cause at Parkhead.

    Although they won't say it publicly, TFC does not believe that DeRo is worth much more to the club than he's already being paid. The near $400,000 cap hit could be better used. Where he is valuable is on the marketing front and that's what complicates the situation for the club.

    And that X-factor has been most evident today. Although the soccer community is pretty much in total agreement that DeRo is 100 per cent to blame for this mess, the fans are almost universal in directing their scorn towards management. They believe that if TFC had its management structure taken care of that DeRo would have been re-signed and none of this would be happening.

    Wanting TFC to get moving on finding the replacement for Mo Johnston and Preki is fair enough. However, it has nothing to do with DeRo failing to inform TFC of his intentions and misleading Celtic of his availability.

    That's all on him

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