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Match Thread: Copa America Group A - Matchday 1 - Argentina v Canada - June 20, 2024 - 8pm local time (ET) / 5pm PT

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2 hours ago, Cadeau said:


We need Robert De Niro to return to Argentina.  As we chant on the streets " Miiei Basura, vos sos la Dictadura" this tale won't end well 

We have a gilets jaunes down here !  

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1 hour ago, kacbru said:

TVNZ has the rights to Copa in NZ - but they aren't showing it!  They got a whole package of sports broadcast rights when Spark Sport went belly up, so I think they aren't even aware of what it is.

If anyone has a streaming site, it would be greatly appreciated.

scAmazon has the rights in Japan, and they're only showing each team's first game, and then the knockout rounds.   F***ers.   That also means I have to give that Bezos arsehole some of my money for the first time.

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