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Irish Soccer


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Hello guys, I hope everyone is doing well. I just wanted to ask a hypothetical question about one soccer. 

I am originally from Ireland and I grew up watching my local Irish soccer league called the League of Ireland which comprised of a 2 tiered system, the Premier League and the First Division. Its not and extremely high level of soccer but its pretty comparable to the CPL and I have watched many great games. Ben Fisk played for Derry City and at the moment Kris Twardek plays for bohemians. 
My question is with a streaming service like one soccer needing content to broadcast  and the League of Ireland having very cheap broadcast rights, would anyone watch it if it were broadcast on onesoccer ?




Edited by BarrieCityFC
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If Im subscribed to onesoccer and they put Irish league games that has a Canadian I would watch it once in a while..no Canadian maybe once a year..but I know the level is not bad..the best player I ever saw in person outside of the pro level was from Ireland..came here for a couple weeks and was amazing

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