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Red Leafs the Brave as a Voyageurs song


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Cheers. This song is written to the music of Scotland the Brave. It is a variation of a song I wrote for the Eddies. It rocks passionately, as the TFC fans who asked for a copy can attest. Thoughts? I made a word file with the Voyageurs logo to post with this text, but the uploader says it is invalid, which means more than it is intended to.

Red Leafs the Brave

In come the dark clouds rolling ---------------------------our kin, we are one clan

thunder, the wind a-roaring -----------------------------in the north, we understand

lightning and rain ----------------------------------------forged by the weather

like Noah's forty days -----------------------------------hammered by the land

when all the storm brings hither -----------------------that Nike* is always sighted

sends weaker hearts a-quiver -------------------------with those who stand united

Red Leafs stand and deliver -------------------------we're with the red and whited

Red Leafs the brave --------------------------------------Red Leafs the brave

proud Canada is home

stout hearts where we roam

our love for each other

conquers ev'ry fear we're facing

so in the darkest days

look where our banner waves

deep in the dreadest place

Red Leafs the brave

*Nike is the Goddess of Victory

Lyrics by Steven Mather

Sung to "Scotland the Brave"

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I'd feel silly singing that if we ever played Scotland :) It has a lot to do with Scotland, but not a lot to do with Canada. I was never the biggest proponent of Maple Leaf Forever, but if I had my choice between learning two difficult songs, I'd probably go with MLF because at least it's ours...

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I admire the effort, but isn't this stealing?

If you are familiar with the song "Danny Boy," you might be unaware that it is only one of more than a hundred songs written to that tune ([a]"Londonderry Air" also being well known. That it is done, does not mean it is always accepted.). Creating different lyrics for scores has been part of songwriting almost as long as songwriting exists. Were I to do the SOCAN thing, I would not have to pay any rights for the score because of its age and other factors. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- This said, the point that it is an anthem is well taken. It might be bad form for the national team. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Notwithstanding, the anthem reservations are completely irrelevant for league games. In fact, football stadiums would be quiet venues, if people did not rewrite lyrics for hook songs for fans to sing. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- I withdraw the notion of using this tune for the nats, will use the Eddies version for the Eddies, and will happily share Red Leafs with the TFC fans that thought it a worthwhile idea.

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This said, the point that it is an anthem is well taken. It might be bad form for the national team. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Notwithstanding, the anthem reservations are completely irrelevant for league games. In fact, football stadiums would be quiet venues, if people did not rewrite lyrics for hook songs for fans to sing. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- I withdraw the notion of using this tune for the nats, will use the Eddies version for the Eddies, and will happily share Red Leafs with the TFC fans that thought it a worthwhile idea.

Absolutely it was only the notion of it as a Canada song that created any "yikes" factor for me...as an Eddies song, fine, I'll even try to sing it with ya when I next hit up Edmonton.

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