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Draft Alan Eagleson for CSA President Poll

Joe MacCarthy

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where the **** is Al Eagleson when you need a man to step up !!!
Holy cow, did you ever hit it on the head.

In another thread, a while back, I thought what Canadian soccer needed was an autocrat who would put all the disparate factions into line and also had a business sense. I thought there was no one available and jokingly mentioned Marc Cohon and Bob Nicholson. But Eagleson would be perfect. Granted he's aged, but I bet he would be dying for something to redeem himself as he is persona non grata just about everywhere and nobody would touch him with a barge pole.

Unfortunately the lack of anyone putting trust in him kills him in the business community but my God, he'd really be something for the CSA. Anyone who can kick commie Russia's ass during the Cold War would totally walk over provincial associations. Unfortunately nobody is crazy enough to think of him even though he served his time. People are still busy condemning him and punishing him today. I tell you what though, I would love to see it (Eagleson as CSA head) Even if he was a human train wreck it couldn't be any worse than what we've already seen.

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Well in most countries around the world, the FA chief's are politicians and/or have a business administration degree, and not really an Average Joe Soccer Mom or Dad running the country, like the CSA is. I endorse this thread too.

Edit: Thought you were referring to that due that ran against the current CSA president. I retract my statement, but endorse the other candidate the the Caps, TFC and Impact supports for CSA president

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Eagleson I do nor thinks so, Why Not Dick Pound from the IOC
Dick Pound? I do nor thinks so! Might as well put Ken Dryden in there. Ask for the time and you get a lecture on free form thinking. The CSA needs another bureaucrat like a new hole in the head.

Discussing the National Hockey League in November 2005, Pound said, “you wouldn’t be far wrong if you said a third of hockey players are gaining some pharmaceutical assistance." Pound would later admit that he completely invented the figure

Who's the crook?

It seems that the results are showing people here don't want a man of action who could get things done. Oh well, we get what we pay for. I highly doubt the Eagle would tarnish his rep any further after serving time and having his HOF and Order of Canada revoked. I would think he would try to rebuild it and be grateful for the opportunity. But I'm weird that way. I guess some people will never be forgiven.

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I like Dick Pound for President.

A good choice for president... is Dick Pound as he is connected in Olympic movement ... which is tied tight to FIFA.

Where Al Eagleson would shine is as head of delegation, the guy that goes with the team and makes sure we get treated properly....

He knows the law... and can get proper written committments, he has a force of personality, he is mecurial and has had great supporters in the number of players he has worked with.. and yes detractors.

But the best part he has a passion for our flag.... and what it means to go outside Canada and represent, scandals aside and deals with NHL owners on pension plans etc... aside he did a job for sport in Canada on the front lines.

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Think his family was from Ulster so Alan Eagleson might have a bit of a soccer background, but I think threads like this tend to point to what sport some people on here are most passionate about more than anything else. In a soccer context the provincial associations still have way too much of a say within the CSA for an "autocrat" to ever emerge so the parallel with hockey doesn't really work. I'd settle in the short term for a scenario where CMNT home games generate sufficient profits that the finances become available to make the coaching job more attractive to potential high profile applicants like Holger Osieck again.

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I don't think anyone here is naive enough to think that because something works in hockey that it will work in soccer. But people do have transferable work skill sets that can translate to something else. What Eagle has (had) is something that is sorely needed in this country. You don't often here the word visionary describing Eagleson but he was and with a heavy dose of realism to boot.

Trillium came closest to a good description but the position he described (at the CSA) is a minor one. Not in terms of workload but in terms of status.

Maybe my point is moot and the fire and pee and vinegar is no longer within him. Older and wiser, it happens to the best of us.

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I can definitely see where you are coming from but the key difference between where things stand in soccer and hockey maybe is that Eagleson emerged on the scene 40 years after hockey had turned into a fully pro business. Right now the CSA is still controlled by the equivalent of the pre-1926 amateur era Stanley Cup participants. If national team games start generating big money and the whole thing no longer has to be funded by amateur soccer players based on a registration levy the scene will be set for soccer's Alan Eagleson to emerge. The Panama home game was quite encouraging in that regard. Hopefully momentum will continue to build over the next couple of World Cup cycles.

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A good choice for president... is Dick Pound as he is connected in Olympic movement ... which is tied tight to FIFA.

Where Al Eagleson would shine is as head of delegation, the guy that goes with the team and makes sure we get treated properly....

He knows the law... and can get proper written committments, he has a force of personality, he is mecurial and has had great supporters in the number of players he has worked with.. and yes detractors.

But the best part he has a passion for our flag.... and what it means to go outside Canada and represent, scandals aside and deals with NHL owners on pension plans etc... aside he did a job for sport in Canada on the front lines.

Its always best to keep recovering alcoholics out of bars, former crack heads away from East Vancouver, and recovering sex addicts out of Harems. So I think it would be just plain old wise to keep "former crooks" away from FIFA.

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What the CSA needs is someone with good Political connections both NATIONALY and Internationaly and have a good Marketing background and personaly I do not see anyone like that. But a Friend of mine mentioned John Furlong who was Head of Vancouver 2010

Uhm... I am pretty sure the other people in this thread aren't being serious...

I would take Warner over Furlong.

I would take Jefferey Dahmer's rotting corpse over Furlong.

God dammit. Now I just lost like 30% of today's productivity cause you mentioned his name on this board.

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