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Interview before TOR/MTL


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Anyone else see the discussion about the Canadian program and the presidential election before the TOR/MTL game last night?

What I never knew about, was the group (who's name escapes me now) who invested 20M into the athletes for the VANOC games and want to get into Canadian Soccer....under different leadership. Or rather, with a leader who knows what the hell he's doing.

I was distracted while it was on so I couldn't get the full jist of what was said, but it certainly is interesting to see a group with that kind of money willing to get involved.

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Listen to what the guy at B210 says about what type of person they want to see as the Prez of the CSA, and I think it will inform you which of the three individuals they want to see at the helm. Basically a Read Between The Lines type interview the guy gave.

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