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Solution for national league in canada and travel cost


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Okay, well, given that pipes like these don't exactly have the best track record with transporting oil and natural gas without leaking, I think we can just assume this is really, really, really stupid and move on. It is more likely that we'll have prosthetic limbs with jet engines before anyone with the money to implement something like this would do so.

Oh, and these concerns aren't including the impact weather would have on any such machines since we don't have any method for mass-producing room temperature super-conductors, and if we did it wouldn't make any sense to confine yourself to a tube when you can build a giant magnetic engine that wouldn't overheat in the first place.

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I believe it uses magnets so a power outage wouldn't have any effect on stopping your acceleration at the end of your trip.

I believe the Magnetic Levitation devices are similar to the US Navy Rail Gun technology in that the electro-magnets ahead of you activate only when needed to pull you along and shut down once you have passed. The problem i am foreseeing is that there is a power outage locally and the back up generators for the network malfunction and all of a sudden the electro-magnets keeping you afloat and driving you forward in the tube no longer receive an electric current and lose their magnetism. Once that happens you are bouncing around at 4000km/hr in a tube with no stability control.

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