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Worst soccer player ever...


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he doens't even have to kick it with the Right foot, he just needed to touch it. could of just walked the ball into the net.

No he deciedes to outside foot the ball from 3 feet in front of an open cage to the corner. What in the world was this kid looking at or thinking.

Though can you expect much more from a Qatar and Uzbekistan game.

The goalies dummy move to the attacking players wasn't too smooth either.

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<----------------Hastings Golden Goal, Honestly one of the first games that got me to fall in love with this game. I was 12 at the time.

But not fair for the poster a few above me to try and throw Hastings intot he same group as this kid from Qatar, This kid is a striker and Richard is a Defender who rarely sees the 18 yard box beneath his feet.

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