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Timbers + Tetris = awesome


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Ya..That was actually pretty lame

I don't know dude. I haven't heard that tune used in a chant before... I am starting to get sick of the same tunes being recycled in the MLS stadiums. Its good to hear something fresh that people remember from back in the day. Except we know those Portland Geeks are still playing their gameboys when the Timbers are not on the pitch.

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I don't know dude. I haven't heard that tune used in a chant before... I am starting to get sick of the same tunes being recycled in the MLS stadiums. Its good to hear something fresh that people remember from back in the day. Except we know those Portland Geeks are still playing their gameboys when the Timbers are not on the pitch.

I think he means vocally.

For a group in the thousands, they sure sound pretty quiet... like always.

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A video obviously shot from a telephone from near the back of the section, with the sound going towards the pitch and not towards the camera is not a good indication of how it really sounds. Though honestly, the chant seemed to be winding down a bit, that's true.

This is bit of a better version someone shot, but I should have shot some good video from the field, because from there when 5-6 sections are all singing at the same time, it's pretty incredible.

But here is some video I did shoot of the TA in action, the US National Anthem and player tifo during pregame of the Puerto Rico game on September 2. You can go HD on this one once it's fully uploaded:

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A video obviously shot from a telephone from near the back of the section, with the sound going towards the pitch and not towards the camera is not a good indication of how it really sounds. Though honestly, the chant seemed to be winding down a bit, that's true.

This is bit of a better version someone shot, but I should have shot some good video from the field, because from there when 5-6 sections are all singing at the same time, it's pretty incredible.

A video where it scans the crowd, revealing most peoples mouths staying closed. And it's still not too loud, even if it's the front of the section.

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