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A Canadian Pro League Could Succeed


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Methinks you can expect to relive this debate ad infinitum Ted. Must say the latest pronouncements by the USSF about restricting the number of non-USA based clubs in the new D2 league to 75% of the number of USA clubs may provide some impetus to the creation of a Canadian D2 league. It could put a severe damper on Canadian D2 expansion hopes - Victoria, Hamilton, Ottawa, Montreal, Vancouver... Is the USSF trying to send a not-so-subtle message to the CSA perhaps?

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Must say the latest pronouncements by the USSF about restricting the number of non-USA based clubs in the new D2 league to 75% of the number of USA clubs may provide some impetus to the creation of a Canadian D2 league.

Not really. Given the number of markets of appropriate size in both countries there is no way there should be more Canadian teams than that. I mean we have what, maybe a dozen communities that could support D2 - and that is being optiisitic. I would imagine that the USA has somewhere in the order of four to five times that number.

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