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Would you believe....

john tv

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if their playing TFC this would be one of the few times I would really really care about toronto winning a friendly(you always want a good display but the scoreline means diddly). The best revenge just wouldn't work from a conspiracy standpoint (too many people) but imagine if he came to town, no media (for him), no fans (for him), no witty signs for him, everyone but his friends family and teammates act like he didn't exist. an old fashioned shunning lol

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I got this information directly through a contact with Ferguson.Apparently United is playing a series of games out of Chicago.

I have not been able to confirm this through this side of the Ocean and TFC in particular.I will keep you posted.I hope it is true.

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Wouldn't surprise me if this turns out to be true. The top EPL clubs are increasingly looking to reinforce their brand internationally for strictly commercial reasons. These off-season tours by the clubs are becoming something of a bone of contention with the players though as they see their rest time being steadily eroded.

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Manchester United fans can take their anti-Glazer protests right to the doorstep of their American owners this summer - when the champions tour the US for the first time in five years.

United will play in Chicago, New York and Toronto in July and more destinations will be announced in the coming weeks.

Looks like John is on to something here...

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I got this information directly through a contact with Ferguson.Apparently United is playing a series of games out of Chicago.

I have not been able to confirm this through this side of the Ocean and TFC in particular.I will keep you posted.I hope it is true.

This tour has nothing to do with TFC and would likely be at the Skydome.

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This tour has nothing to do with TFC and would likely be at the Skydome.

The Whore will still play here regardless. Instead of going to the game that will involve Manchester United, if there not playing TFC that is, we all should get together and demonstrate outside the stadium with a dummy in Whoregreaves' vain getting hung and burned. A traitor should die a traitor's death. Dante's Inferno has the people who committed treason at the lowest level of hell next to Satan.

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Hmmm...Owen Hargreaves possibly playing on Canadian soil...
If they play at BMO, I think they are bringing the new turf in from Virginia or somewhere. So close ...

Pretty early for the rumour though ... I'd have to see it in a real newspaper to believe.

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No, I think it is unreasonable, pointless and will change nothing.

It will make him feel unwelcome which is really all we want. It's not mean't to change anything. It is reasonable though considering he made a bitch move.

These players made decisions which they considered were the best for their professional careers, I would have done the same in their shoes.

Whoa, whoa...you would've been a little bitch as well? ;)

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Should do the same to Sydney leRoux then too if she ever comes to play in Canada.

Sydney LeRoux should get the same treatment. She is of age now right? I think we can call her whatever we want if someone here wants to tempt fate ;).

When playing soccer is your chosen profession then you will choose the path that offers the maximum return, it is a simple business decision.

No, I think it is unreasonable, pointless and will change nothing. These players made decisions which they considered were the best for their professional careers, I would have done the same in their shoes.

Well nationalism is an irrational behavior and feeling anyway. In theory, that is why someone should represent their country, their feelings for their nation, but as you said it was a business decision. So why should anyone be a fan of soccer in Canada? What is the point in spending time and money following a national team that rarely wins and will only leave you with disappointed feelings? It doesn’t sound like the wise business or emotional decision. So forget about Canada and go cheer Brazil.

Fans have an irrational attachment about a group of people they never met under the banner of nationalism and somehow, you find it unreasonable to demonstrate against a player whom fans feel wronged Canada. The whole premise of being a fan of any sport is irrational and unreasonable, seems par for the course to me.

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No, I think it is unreasonable, pointless and will change nothing....

Maybe not as pointless as you think. Canada's football sub-culture is slowly going mainstream. Not giving players like Hargreaves a free ride for the decisions they make says something important. Especially about the perceived ability to disconnecting your Canadian identity from your footballing identity without consequence.

Not that I'd go out of my way and spend good money to give OH grief, really don't care enough at this point, but if I was in Toronto with a couple too many bucks in my wallet and some time on my hands I'll admit I'd be tempted to join a jeering party just for the laugh.

Not sure which will make me laugh harder though. The monkeys who'll pay some crazy money to see another round of useless 2nd rate friendlies by European teams on a nice North American summer holiday or the possibility OH will have to be one of the attractions on a Man United side this July.

Because Lord knows he won't be one of their many players resting and recovering from the World Cup.

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Maybe not as pointless as you think. Canada's football sub-culture is slowly going mainstream. Not giving players like Hargreaves a free ride for the decisions they make says something important. Especially about the perceived ability to disconnecting your Canadian identity from your footballing identity without consequence.

Not that I'd go out of my way and spend good money to give OH grief, really don't care enough at this point, but if I was in Toronto with a couple too many bucks in my wallet and some time on my hands I'll admit I'd be tempted to join a jeering party just for the laugh.

Not sure which will make me laugh harder though. The monkeys who'll pay some crazy money to see another round of useless 2nd rate friendlies by European teams on a nice North American summer holiday or the possibility OH will have to be one of the attractions on a Man United side this July.

Because Lord knows he won't be one of their many players resting and recovering from the World Cup.

Does he still play for England?

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When somebody has dual citizenship and has international aspirations they are free to choose which country they will play for and it's entirely their choice, the rest of us don't have that luxury of choice. Do we criticise players who decline an offer to play for a Canadian club and choose to ply their trade in Europe if they are eligible? No, we praise them for making a choice that furthers their career. Exactly the same applies when it comes to national teams. I don't hold a grudge against Sydney LeRoux for example. Playing on the USA WNT if she can make it will do far more for her professional playing career than playing on the Canadian WNT if for no reason other than that she will be one out of 300 million as opposed to one out of 30 million, that alone is a major achievement. Protesting, holding up banners at games and spewing insults is juvenile behaviour that reflects far more on the character of the protesters than it does the on the subject player.

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It will make him feel unwelcome which is really all we want. It's not mean't to change anything. It is reasonable though considering he made a bitch move.

Do you really think he is totally unaware that some Canadians disapprove (to put it mildly) of his choice? I suggest the response, if he even bothers to notice, will more likely be ho-hum, there they go again. Creating a scene at the game or outside the stadium will just foster the hooligan image of soccer in the minds of those many have been working hard to win over as supporters. Don't waste your time, just enjoy the game and take pleasure in watching highly paid masters of the craft at work.

Professional soccer is a business first and foremost for those involved, national loyalties take second place.

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