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Question about the Canadian Academy Scene


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Does anyone have a list of Canadian Soccer academies or a link to the Canadian equivalent of this online resource?


Failing that, could you Voyageurs folks post info about individual academies in this thread?

FWIW, this is for a future blog post, and my own idle curiosity.

Mods, please feel free to move this thread if there is a more appropriate place for it.

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The following Academies are members of Soccer Academy Alliance Canada (SAAC):

ANB Academy Futbol (http://www.anbfutbol.com)

Bryst International (http://www.brystinternational.com)

Power Player Academy (http://www.powersoccer.ca/academy.php)

DPS Soccer (http://www.dpsoccer.com/academy.html)

Sigma Sports (http://www.sigma-sports.net/index.html)

USC Academy (http://www.usc-academy.ca/)

Elite Soccer Development (http://www.shootingstarssoccer.net/main.php)

Score Academy (http://www.scoresoccer.ca/league.php?scriptName=HOME&leagueID=1326)

Others in Toronto/GTA:

Premier Soccer Academy (http://www.torontolynxpremiersoccer.com)

AC Milan Academy (http://thesocceracademyforchampions.com/programinfo_academy.htm)

Toronto FC Academy

Winstars Academy (http://www.winstarssoccer.com/index.htm)

Soccer Prospects (http://www.soccerprospect.com)

Ottawa Fury Academy (http://www.ottawafury.com/acad-index)

Outside Ontario:

TSS in BC (http://www.totalsoccersystems.com)

This is not a complete list but these are the ones that came to mind immediately.

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The Huskies sort of run an academy in the summer, but it is almost more of a group of camps that take place in June and July. They try to only take 20 - 30 kids for the summer and concentrate on them rather than make it open to any players.

There's also the Samba Soccer Academy here in S'toon, but I'm not sure if it's still in operation. It focused mostly on girls while the Huskie camp focuses more on boys. Neither of these are anywhere near the TFC Academy or Whitecaps Residency, but it's a start.

I'm not sure if Regina or anywhere else in Saskatchewan has anything.

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