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Ottawa Stadium also future home of CMT?


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Now I know that the chances of Ottaw actually building a stadium are pretty slim, but I am reading through the City Staff report on the two proposals, and I noticed this line:

quote:The stadium facility is also proposed to house:

- new head offices for the Canadian Soccer Association;

- new training centre for Canada’s national soccer teams; and

- new office and training facilities for Ottawa based soccer clubs;

Kind of interesting. I emailed the CSA a couple of weeks ago and asked if they were going to appear at Council to support the Melnyk proposal, and they did not answer the question (merely stating that they "supported" the stadium.) I wonder if Melnyk is just putting this into his bid or he has held talks with the CSA?

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Well, if there's one thing we've learned from Biovail is that Melnyk has absolutely no problem running an organization his own way with little to no oversight. I say this is jest, but sometimes I think a coup by a rich businessman to take over the MNT would be the best thing that could happen to us. Fascism does get results in some cases. :D

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I've been striking out trying to get the Voyageurs behind pushing for grass at the BMO. I haven't had much luck, so while I will continue to do so, I will in the meantime put my vote behind having a GRASS national stadium in our beautiful capital. GO OTTAWA!!!!!!!

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I think it would take a full nuclear winter to get the cats out of the nice digs on Metcalfe Street. Melnyk is sporting a big pair if he thinks he can move those who shall not be moved.

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