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"Team Canada"

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quote:Originally posted by speedmonk42

CFC - Official supporters section? "The Ozone"

Just shoot me.



That's funny.

Now, I'm not sure if "The Ozone" has any slang meaning on the Left Coast but in East End Winnipeg, uhmmmm....<edited by mod>

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quote:Originally posted by themodelcitizen

acceptable nickname? [8D]

I hate it ..but your right a nick name would be good...of course i hate the use of Canucks or the Maple Leaves which seems to pop up in the FIFA stories, the Voyageurs is gone but it might have made a good nick name. What is left ?

The Beavers ? To go along with the fans "Ozone" and they could sell beaver shots in the stadium.

Hopefully as we go ahead in qualifications a nick name will emerge on its own, created by some late night editor at the Star.

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FIFA and the news write ups from other countries like to call us "The Maple Leaf Boys". Anything is better than team Canada that's the name of the hockey team. While we're at it I wish Craig and Gerry would stop referring to us as "The Canadian National Team" during their broadcasts. It sounds very bush league.

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quote:Originally posted by Cheeta

Now, I'm not sure if "The Ozone" has any slang meaning on the Left Coast...

A few years back there was a rather skeezy nightclub in Surrey BC called "The Ozone" which had a strip club next door.

Now, if you know anything about Surrey's shady rep, or rather that of so-called "Surrey girls", you'll probably understand why most people out here called it "the Ho-zone" or "the School Zone."

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quote:Originally posted by dsqpr

My favourite by far!

We might also consider "Red and White Legion" to differentiate ourselves from the many "Reds" out there.

Yeah i love these too, maybe "the Red Riot" for those who are alliteration happy

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quote:Originally posted by Johnnie Monster

A few years back there was a rather skeezy nightclub in Surrey BC called "The Ozone" which had a strip club next door.

Now, if you know anything about Surrey's shady rep, or rather that of so-called "Surrey girls", you'll probably understand why most people out here called it "the Ho-zone" or "the School Zone."

A few years back...you mean the Hozone is closed?

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quote:Originally posted by Soju

FIFA and the news write ups from other countries like to call us "The Maple Leaf Boys". Anything is better than team Canada that's the name of the hockey team. While we're at it I wish Craig and Gerry would stop referring to us as "The Canadian National Team" during their broadcasts. It sounds very bush league.

Terrible to think they actually use their real name and not one of the 20 "I think this is what we should call us instead" names.

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I think he's saying they should just call the team "Canada".

As for nicknames, we're "Canucks" and "Maple Leafs" for foreign writers (including FIFA) and "Les Rouges" to the fans (in chants anyways). No need to try and fabricate another nickname.

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I still don't know where that "Allez les rouges" stuff comes from. I think it sounds kinda goofy coming from a plurality of English speakers.

Always liked "Red Surge" but Canucks and Maple Leafs are what we usually get.

Edit: Forgot "Mounties" was in the mix as well.

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