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Hemming to Söderström? Anyone Speak Sweedish?


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[?]Just came across this article from Saturday at: http://www.hammarbyfotboll.se/se/akt...rticleid=32266

The article states:

"Rickets landsmän, mittfältaren Vahid Assadpour och backen Tyler Hemming, gjorde heller inte bort sig. - Vahid är snabb i tanken och ganska allround. Tyler är klokast av de som varit här. Han har väldigt bra speluppfattning och är tekniskt trygg med båda fötterna, men en aning osnabb, säger Gustavsson."

Anyone speak Sweedish? What does this mean? Is Hemming on trial with the Sweedish professional team Söderström or has he signed with them? Any input is much appreciated.

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"Ricketts countrymen, midfield Vahid Assadpour and hill Tyler Hemming, did not remove themselves. - Vahid is quick in thought and quite all-round. Tyler is the wisest of those who have been here. He has very good speluppfattning and technically secure with both feet, but a little osnabb, "says Gustavsson."

It looks like their tryouts are going pretty well

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  • 2 weeks later...

Yes this is Allsvenska team Hammarby IF. Tony Gustavsson is the head coach of the top Hammarby team (A-team).

Speluppfattning= play-awareness... understanding situations

Backen= fullback/defense

gjorde heller inte bort sig = didn't look out of place, or give themselves up

osnabb= not-so-quick

Overall, I'd say some good words from the top man in the club. Positive, perhaps?

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