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MLS Montreal Supporters

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About the spread the groups around thing:

Our aim,as a group is to fill all of 114 every game before thinking about expanding to 113/115...

This is me speaking now:

And if another group springs up outside of the end we occupy, and outside of the supporters section, I expect that they won't be well received by Joey or the security.

If it's a group of people who show as much dedication, but sitting, and sing along occasionally, i think they'll be accepted by secu. And if that group sings different songs than one the UM02 is singing at the moment...it would be terrible. Following along? sure.

And one last opinion; if another group springs up in a south american/british style, i think the mix of Ultras and them would sound TERRIBLE.

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I didn't know much about the ultras until i took the trip to Toronto this year and what lolita says is completely wrong. Its not the first complaint i hear about the ultras because most people in Montreal don't get it. How are the Ultras racist or promote racism? i dont undersdtand. Ill take 500 people in the KOP over a saputo stadium filled with families who payed nothing for their tickets and leave at the 80th min or at any slight rain. Don't diss the Ultras because without them we wouldn't have the little recognition the Impact gets in Montreal. Even the SRC commentators, as incompetent as they are, comment on the Ultras 2-3 times a game, heck even last time the commentator on src (not Quenneville, but the younger guy) said how much he hated it when people leave the stadium before the game is over but he couldnt obviously get into it more.


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quote:Originally posted by lolita



Je ne suis pas surprise du ton employé contre moi. Votre façon de débattre de vos idées s'apparente bien au climat de non-respect d'autrui chez plusieurs Ultras qui dénigrent constamment les autres supporters de l'Impact. Je n y peux rien. Je n'ai exprimée ici que mes idées. Et de façon polie. Certains ici n'ont malheureusement pas eu cette politesse envers moi.

Sans rancune

Bonne chance

une supportrice inconditionnelle de l'Impact

Si vous avez besoin d'une autre preuve comme quoi de nombreux Ultras de Montréal dénigrent les autres partisans de L'Impact voci ce que je viens de trouver sur le site des Ultras






Le ton employée est agressif et dénigrant sur ma personne. Voici malheureusement une autre preuve du manque de respect d'autrui de quelques ultras vis à vis d'autres supporteurs de l'Impact différents d'eux. Je déplore les propos et les moqueries tenues par ces quelques personnes mais je n y peux rien...car cela fait partie de leur culture et leur comportement. Après ces mêmes ultras se plaindront que les autres supporteurs de l'Impact et que la direction de L'impact se méfient d'eux....

un peu de respect des autres

un peu de dignité humaine svp

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lolita, dis nous vraiment, quels ages as-tu?

Il n'y a personne sur ce forum qui sera surpris des propos des Ultras vis-a-vis tes remarques. A quoi t'attendais-tu? Tu vas sur LEUR site et tu poste un message qui, aussi poli qu'il soit, constitue une attaque. De plus, une attaque fondee sur plusieurs stereotypes qui ne s'appliquent pas du tout aux Ultras.

lolita, tell us honestly, how old are you?

There is nobody on this forum who will be surprised by the Ultras reaction to your remarks. What did you expect? You go on THEIR site and post a message which, as polite as it may have been, constituted an attack. Not to mention, an attack based on many stereotypes that do not apply to the Ultras.

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Cette présente lettre est pour vous informer que vous semblez vraiment avoir trop de haine dans votre coeur et aussi beaucoup trop de temps à perdre. Le fait que PLUSIEURS amateurs de soccer qui ne sont pas dans les Ultras viennent sur leur forum pour leur témoigner leur appui prouve que ce que vous dites est totalement faux.

En espérant que ce message soit assez poli pour vous,

Mes sincères salutations,


Pièce jointe : Un petit allo de Patrick Leduc et Antonio Ribeiro

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C'mon lolita, quel âge as-tu pour vrai ?

Est-ce que t'as toujours pas appris que dans la vie, quand quelqu'un t'envoies chier, tu lui réponds pas "Oh mais qel impoli le messieur" ???? Dans quel monde rose bonbon tu vis ???? Ça te prends pas grand chose pour te sentir insultée. Sérieusement. Tu as l'air d'une fille qui lorsqu'elle s'engueule avec son ami, elle lui parle plus pendant des jours en attendant que l'autre fasse les premiers pas. Grow up !!!!

Regarde partout sur le forum, c'est plein de Southsiders (supporteurs des Caps) et d'Ultras qui se crient des noms et pourtant, TOUT LE MONDE ICI SE RESPECTE !!! C'est plein de Voyageurs qui font la même chose entre eux à tout bout de champ pour des désaccords, PIS APRÈS ???? Ici, tout le monde a un seul but: LE SUCCÈS DU SOCCER AU CANADA ET LE DÉVELOPPEMENT D'UNE BASE DE FANS QUI SUIVENT JOUR APRÈS JOUR LEUR ÉQUIPE !!! Des gens QUI PAIENT LEUR BILLET et RESTENT JUSQU'À LA FIN.

Sérieusement</u>, renseigne toi sur comment fonctionnent les groupes de supporteurs au soccer PARTOUT DANS LE MONDE, surtout en Amérique du Sud et en Europe ! Tu vas vite te rendre compte QU'IL N'Y A VRAIMENT rien là avec le comportement de nos Ultras et que l'existence de tels groupes EST ESSENTIELLE !!!

Finalement, tu généralise encore plus que ce que tu reproches au gens qui te réponde.[:o)]

Bienvenue dans le VRAI monde, celui qui n'est pas rose bonbon (et qui n'existe nulle part).[:I]

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quote:Originally posted by Keano

There are misconceptions on both sides. There are many hundreds of season-ticket holders like my dad who choose to sit on the halfway line because it provides the best view of the play, and stands and cheers when something in the match (which he understands intimately and follows diligently) gives him a reason to.

He would say that people who choose to stand, many with their backs to the field for long portions of the match, and cheer and sing constantly when nothing has happened on the pitch, yet often don't when something great like a well-timed tackle or deft footwork has occurred, are less into the game that he is.

Because I understand football supporter culture as it has evolved elsewhere in the world over the years I would say he's wrong, but not more so than Ultras who think he's a soccer-dad who doesn't know/appreciate the team/sport because he sits, chooses half-line seats, and cheers only when given a reason to by the team, but cheers hard.

All that said I'm not sympathizing with Lolita's point of view, as clearly she's a little more bothered than the general misunderstanding I'm alluding to.

What I'd love to see is other groups in the various stands cropping up to echo/join/add to the Ultras atmosphere, thereby breaking down the us/them perceptions some people seem to have.

One of the things that real fans, season ticket holders, etc. (who are not in 114) might not realise is that the UM02 are the ONLY season ticket holders in the entire stand, as it was not open to season tickets beyond the supporters section. As such, most of the interactions that the UM02 have had inside the stadium are with irregular spectators and "soccer families" (I use this term because people understand the idea, but there ARE families in the kop).

The UM02 who travelled to Toronto met a lot of non-114 people and had great exchanges and a great shared experience with them.

As for Lolita: grow up, meet similar fans and stop crapping all over the Ultras who, before you started posting against them on 3 (!!!) forums, didn't care one bit about you, either way.

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quote:Originally posted by gianga

isnt it MLS that organizes supporter groups.

When toronto or whenever a new team was added, the marketing department always took care of it, at least thats what i heard?

This is totally false. Supporter groups organize and govern themselves. MLS and their marketing department have nothing to do with it.

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quote:Originally posted by gianga

isnt it MLS that organizes supporter groups.

When toronto or whenever a new team was added, the marketing department always took care of it, at least thats what i heard?

You heard wrong. All main MLS supporters groups (except maybe Chivas...) sprung up on their own. The club can be helpful (DC, TFC) or not (Colorado, NY), but none of the main groups were "created" by the clubs.

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Ok there is way too much hostility in this thread. The group on facebook was created by me and I've learned a lot since then... what do you want me to say? It's done it's done, Mpenza is responsible for fixing it up as well as my attitude in general and I thank him for that...

et pis lolita... tes p'tites commentaires d'ignorante sont pas necessaire.

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Okay .. I do not consider myslef and Ultra, but I have enjoyed sitting in 114 and being part of the Ultras when they play club matches in the Champions League... I like the Impact, how the team plays, and have seen them over the years.

I cant imagine anyone who has been to any of the Western Hemispheres great clubs for a game can think the Ultras are detrimental to the atmosphere in Saputo Stadium.

It will get better and better in terms of supporter culture in the East End of Saputo.

I agree with Grizzly about the variation of fans in the 114... having seen some casuals... who really pissed me off, if it was "my club" I would have called them out... but i go as guest to support the Impact in Champions League.

I will be in 114 on next week ... and I hope Lolita will drop me note before then so I can have her learn a bit more about enjoying the game from a different perspective.

Heck Lolita I will even stand you the beers at bar 99 after.

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Response from an Ultra that's XX:

quote:pardons de revenir en arrière mais

cest ridicule!!

elle traite des gars de macho et apres elle a des propos qui tendent vers lantiféminisme,

comment un kop peut se calmer si yavait plus de femmes??!!!

ca prétenderait que les femmes sont douce, calme et passive...

donc il y aurait différence sexuelle, vu que tout le monde sait que les hommes, cest le contraire, ils sont forts, proactifs et rationnels

je m'excuse mais si t,as un discours peux difficilement traiter des gars de machiste avec crédibilité

dsl de vous décevoir, mais cette théorie (de la diff sexuelle) n'est pas fondée

les femmes ne sont pas toutes douce et calme, les hommes ne sont pas non plus tous forts ni proactif..cest pas écrit dans nos gênes

en tribune cest pas si tes une femme ou un homme qui compte, cest detre ultras

et ultras cest surtout pas calme, doux et passif

en tout cas cest pas comme ca quon enflammera une tribune, et quon se ramassera avec des beaux spectacles visuels comme les splendides tifos quon a eu cette saison

alors tu mexcuseras, fille, mais cest pas toutes les femmes qui sont comme toi...une chance..

si tu venais en tribune p-e que t'aurais la piqure..

to translate some of what was said:

quote:les femmes ne sont pas toutes douce et calme, les hommes ne sont pas non plus tous forts ni proactif..cest pas écrit dans nos gênes

All girls aren't calm and gentle, all guys aren't stronger or mor proactive, it isn't written in our genes.


en tribune cest pas si tes une femme ou un homme qui compte, cest detre ultras

In the kop it isn't about being female, or about being a male, it's about being an Ultra.


et ultras cest surtout pas calme, doux et passif

and ultras are definitely not calm, quiet and passive.


en tout cas cest pas comme ca quon enflammera une tribune, et quon se ramassera avec des beaux spectacles visuels comme les splendides tifos quon a eu cette saison

And it's not by being calm and passive that you light up the stands, or gather people to help make the beautiful tifos you have enjoyed this season.


alors tu mexcuseras, fille, mais cest pas toutes les femmes qui sont comme toi...une chance..

So excuse me, girl, but not all girls are like you, thankfully.

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  • 8 years later...

Yes, an old thread, but I did not want to start a new one for just one video.

Anyway, I was watching the Montreal Manic vs Nottingham Forest game 1983, and noticed a small supporters group at the Big O. I thought it was kind of interesting, so I uploaded a short clip.


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